129 Replies to “Winter’s Hatch”

  1. Lovely! By the way, thanks for visiting my blog. I look forward to exploring yours some more, as I am already enjoying your poetry and photos.

  2. So beautiful and wonderfully stated! By the way, thanks for visiting my blog. I look forward to exploring yours in depth, as I am already enjoying your poetry and photos.

  3. Love your photo!
    Thank you for visiting my blog today. I appreciate the time you took to stop by. May your day be filled with joy and peace.

  4. Hello Seedbud, thanks for visiting my blog again. Today, as I was driving along a back road, I was counting the bird nests visible in the willows and alders in the ditches. Each one was capped with a dome of snow much like the nest in your photograph. Incidentally, there were 18 nests in a 3 mile stretch which made me appreciate these shrubs even more.

  5. Thank you Seedbud for this beautiful and poignant image of Winter pregnancy. I feel encouraged that Spring will birth from the ground in crocus and daffodil soon enough… Thank you for your support of my Blog.

  6. Hello, thank you for looking (and liking) my blog. I like your pictures, too, and I would like to “like” them also, but I didn’t find the button to do so. So I am leaving you this message. The idea of “Winter Hatch” is just great and stunning!

    1. Thank you so much for taking the time to write. Sometimes there is a like button on the wordpress toolbar at the top left hand side of the page. But wordpress seems to hide it on some days! 😐

  7. Beautiful photography on your site. Wonderfully, it matches my artistic sensibility although I do different types of things. Thanks for looking at my blog… I’m definitely following yours now!

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