12 Replies to “I Am Lifted”

  1. Bren – Bren is a female amateur photographer and blogger who along with her husband, Ashley, have created a photography blog called Brashley Photography which showcases the places they've visited on their photography journey. Bren and Ashley primarily concentrate their photographic skills on landscape, architecture and floral subjects. Based in the South East of England they hope to give their readers an insight into the wonderful and beautiful landscapes, buildings and places that the South of England has to offer. Bren also writes on her personal blog Bacardi Girl about various topics and her fight against cancer, and likes to participate in Writing Challenges.
    Bren says:

    Totally love the tones and reflection xx

  2. chelawriter – I thought retirement would give me more time to write, but as with may others, my experience of retirement so far is that it is far busier than my employment years. Two wild fires with evacuations and extensive damage to my home have not helped. Repairs are almost complete, and fingers crossed things will settle down so I can post more often.
    Niki Sebastian says:

    Is that lovely pond nearby your home? I occasionally see something simikar at Storrie Lake, but usually only in early morning mist. Love the slanting light lifting the entire scene.

    1. Hey Niki! You showed up in my reader! This is a pond half way between my place and “town”. This was late afternoon. I’m glad I bothered to pull over to catch the light.

  3. I do feel just this way, exactly, when I watch birds in flight! Nice capture of the ,,”haiku moment.” 👌

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