15 Replies to “The Queen’s Snow”

  1. willenajeanebelden – kentucky – I am an abstract painter working in acrylics and mixed media. I paint my feelings and experiences of life. I love nature,family,music and poetry.
    willenajeane says:

    This brings back so many childhood memories. Lovely!

  2. Brenda Davis Harsham – http://friendlyfairytales.com – Author of friendly fairy tales and magical poetry for kids of all ages, illustrated with my original photography and by collaboration with other artists and photographers. Visit me at http://friendlyfairytales.com.
    Brenda Davis Harsham says:

    Reblogged this on Friendly Fairy Tales and commented:
    Seedbud achieves perfection in her photography and three lines of observation. Enjoy and have a great week!

  3. Brenda Davis Harsham – http://friendlyfairytales.com – Author of friendly fairy tales and magical poetry for kids of all ages, illustrated with my original photography and by collaboration with other artists and photographers. Visit me at http://friendlyfairytales.com.
    Brenda Davis Harsham says:

    I reblogged this because it made my heart sing. XOXO

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