14 Replies to “Unknown Depth”

  1. Miriam – Australia – I’m a wonder lusting woman, a musician, a freelance travel writer and magazine columnist. Utterly passionate about travel and life and turning the ordinary moments into the extraordinary. My motto is “just do it”.
    Miriam says:

    Very nice.

  2. Joel F – Fashion Accessory and Graphic Designer / Traveler / Chocolate Lover / Life Seeker Joys of Joel Kindly Click / Tap the website link below the Photo Gallery to read the site. Thanks
    Joel F says:


  3. maureenc – south east Queensland – Supposedly retired ,I fit my fabric and fibre fanaticism in with sharing my life with , family and friends and a few other activities My star sign is Cancer;I love being near the ocean and live on the shores of Moreton Bay in SEQ;I enjoy listening to music of many genre,but prefer instrumental to vocal; Reading....I always have a couple of books and magazines on the "go" simultaneously;
    maureenc says:

    ..and we all accept that “Hope springs Eternal”!!
    Beautiful scene and heartfelt words.

  4. What an interesting thought: that memory can be carried forward. We usually think of “looking back”. Interesting, too, that memory and hope both are being carried, rather than moving. So much, in so few words!

  5. I like to think hope is in the channel, memory in the bends, pools, and ox-bows–which make the meandering stream beautiful.

  6. 2ndhalfolife – In the second (or really third?) half of my life now. Moving into the more crone stage: out of my head, into my soul. My magic is returning after many years of having lost it to the streets of life. There have been some very dark times, but these have made my journey rich with the stuff of possibility. Because out of darkness has come the glittering beauty of illumination. It has come with struggle and toil, and not without help--but I am here, and I am mostly in tact, and I'm here to share the rest of this journey with you all if you care to join me.......
    2ndhalfolife says:


  7. Cynthia Guenther Richardson – Pacific NW – Hello fellow readers and bloggers, Writing has always been a powerful connector to diverse ideas and people. We each are a meaningful part of this beautiful, ever-widening web of life. Blogging enables more interaction, which I love even after 11 years of blogging posts on three different sites. For thirty years I was an addictions/mental health counselor and also a manager of home care services for elderly folks. Now that I have hit 70 and am more devoted to a creative life! I've published online or in literary journals/collections several times, including fiction and creative non-fiction pieces and poetry over five decades. Additionally, I was nominated for a Pushcart Prize for an excerpt of my novel-in-progress, Other than Words (the work gathering dust at present), about a mute dancer and her impact on her adopted community and a world-travelling photojournalist. I also am working on a connected set of stories about a close-knit town in northern Michigan. On Wordpress I enjoy writing about living richly despite (or because of) life's setbacks and a diagnosis of heart disease at age 51. Posts tagged "memoir" share spiritual adventures, interactions with nature, the healing of trauma's impact and challenges of writing full-time. Short stories and creative nonfiction, and poetry are favorite genres but I enjoy sharing my photography as well My hope is my offerings reflect a profound faith in God and our humanness which cloaks spiritual natures. I include myself as part of the diverse group of writers who discover and share the illuminating, positive experiences amid life's uncertainties and hardships. Let me hear from you when you visit--I appreciate your comments a great deal. Blessings and regards, Cynthia
    Cynthia Guenther Richardson says:

    …and lets go of despair, that small boat bobbing toward the far shore…
    (Valuing your haiku and photo again, leafandtwig–and they tend to evoke more words and visuals for me, a bonus.)

  8. firefly1275 – Louisiana – V. Rose enjoys creating mystical characters and worlds, with a touch of the modern day world. When she is not writing or thinking up her next story ideas, she is enjoying South Louisiana sunsets.
    firefly1275 says:

    Very beautiful photo.

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