84 Replies to “Luminosity”

  1. NICE! I love how you captured the light in those little beauties! I love the insight in your poetry too! Thanks for making my day!!

  2. “Luminous” was exactly the word that sprang to mind when I first looked at your photograph; and then I looked down and saw the title of your poem. Thank you.

  3. I truly love your blog. The absolutely beautiful and speaking photographs touch me, and your small poems take me further into your world. Thank you for sharing in this way and thankyou for visiting and liking my post: Ode To A Benevolent Camelia.

  4. Oh, my! Your blog is elegant and clean and stunning. How beautiful!

    I just stopped by to thank you for liking one of my recent blog posts. It never fails to give me a lift when I see that.

    So, thank you! 🙂

  5. Can your work be more beautiful?…I have nominated you for a Very Inspirational Blogger Award. If you choose to accept, please see my post about this award and the rules to follow. I have included a link to your post on my post.

    1. There is a like button (SOMETIMES) at the top of the page on the left hand side on the WordPress tool bar. But WordPress ‘updates/upgrades’ this kind of sporadically so it is no always there…go figure.

  6. Reblogged this on Diva Livingston and commented:
    This is a beautiful moment that you captured and it makes me smile with recall of one day last week when I opened the front door after it stopped raining (in Oregon — what’s new?). The sun was casting slanted light through trees and the rain drops that clung to the branches sparkled. It was dazzling to the eye. Your image doesn’t the same thing.

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