12 Replies to “Replenishment”

  1. Anthony Thomas – Hey there, fellow blogging peeps! My name is Anthony and I'm a total photography nut who can't resist snapping pics of all the cool and quirky things that catch my eye. Landscapes? Got 'em. Funky architecture? You betcha. Rad flowers? Duh. If it's interesting, I'm all over it with my camera.
    Anthony Thomas says:

    Lovely words

  2. dweezer19 – Hi, Cheryl here. I can hardly believe how quickly the years have added up since I first began blogging, with life events that saw me migrate from the US to Paradise and back-twice! I would not give anything for the rich experiences we had in Costa Rica and I miss it every day. We will visit every chance we get; however, life is rarely a straight and wide path and for this portion of it we are back living in the states. I am fortunate to be living in a place rich with wildlife, beauty and wonderful inspiration. If you hang around I promise I will keep sharing with you and hope you find something to enjoy in what my camera and I manage to capture. My deepest desire is to find and show the common vein that connects us all. We live as one, breathe as one, were created as one. If we could just combine all our brilliant thoughts into one fine idea, what a wonderful world we would have. Love and Light. My tropicalaffair site is full and so I have moved. You can still read about our adventures here or hop over to my new place at https://dreamingreality646941880.wordpress.com/2018/01/12/first-blog-post/ I hope to see you there!
    dweezer19 says:


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