8 Replies to “Ways Of Being Chosen”

  1. Tim McGee – Catholic Christian, husband, father May all things point to the glory of God, made manifest in the Word made flesh, Jesus Christ
    Tim McGee says:


  2. clcouch123 – I prefer Christopher in conversation. In writing, I use C L Couch because it’s a genderless form of my name and, frankly, easier—I have severe writer’s cramp. I mean to be a poet writing occasional and spiritual verse. The photographs used permanently here—for the banner, for my profile—were taken by Debra Danielson, a photographer and friend. You may enjoy more of her work at debra.danielson.org. If you would credit me when quoting my work, I'd be thankful. As I am thankful for your presence here.
    clcouch123 says:

    wonderfully expressed, the words and the photograph

  3. Jazz Jaeschke – Jazz Jaeschke found poetry at mid-life, retired, and got a whole lot happier. Jazz spends many solo hours with her journal and poetry. Her memoir, in poetry, was published in 2002 (titled: Significance). A sequel is incubating. Photography, labyrinths, SoulCollage(R), Nature, and travel arouse her muse and poems spill forth. She facilitates an Internet poetry circle for Story Circle Network. Jazz lives in Austin, Texas, with two cats, one exuberant Labrador, and her just-right man.
    Jazz Jaeschke says:

    Beautiful affirmation of photographer impulse/reverence for “taking” w/o disrupting!

  4. Bukenya Stephen – (+256-753283477),Am a Ugandan who loves nature surrounding man such as natural green plants, natural flowers,animals both wild and domestic,birds,landscapes,I also love travelling.
    Bukenya Stephen says:


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