8 Replies to “Delicacies”

  1. JanBeek – Ennis, Montana – With Bob, my dear husband of 62 (& still counting) years, I continue to live a full life. Here in Montana, every day is a learning experience. Every day is a chance to reach out in love! With 8 decades of living under our belts, we’ve learned a thing or two about how to create the “Good Life” in our “Golden Years.” This blog is designed to share some of those tidbits with you. I aim to inspire more love, joy, peace, faith and unity. Hopefully, my blog will will give you a glimpse into how just “Loving One Another” has enhanced my time on earth - and I’ll encourage you to reach out to others with unconditional love, too. A recent blog follower said in her introduction, "My mode of operation is to make the ordinary of everyday extraordinary." I have to borrow that... In fact, borrowing ideas from others is one way to achieve the extraordinary. Feel free to borrow any of mine any time! I'd be honored. To God be the glory!! Welcome Aboard!
    JanBeek says:

    I love that frosted tractor. So picturesque!!

  2. Untouched snow and a tractor against a blue sky makes for a gorgeous scene. 😊👏

  3. Flowerpoet – Victoria, BC, Canada – Creative writing brings me joy. Poetry has always been my passion. I love exploring and creating artistically in the visual arts and crafts as well as playing with photography and text.
    Flowerpoet says:

    Delightful and imaginative, your poem and photo are a sweet harmony 🥰🤍💕✨

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