9 Replies to “Secrets Of The Feathered Fellowship”

  1. Oh my. I often rush to label something best/favorite/most quietly spectacular, and then remind myself there have been many of those moments, past and future, delivered to my email box from your eye and mind. But this one–this one is amazing.

    1. Oh thanks! I was driving home and noticed a few birds in a tree. A few miles later I decided to go back and take another look – and boy was I rewarded!! The cows across the road at the farm serenaded me as I watched this scene develop.

  2. chelawriter – I thought retirement would give me more time to write, but as with may others, my experience of retirement so far is that it is far busier than my employment years. Two wild fires with evacuations and extensive damage to my home have not helped. Repairs are almost complete, and fingers crossed things will settle down so I can post more often.
    Niki says:

    No photo to show but the same experience with clusters of doves on the electric wires running from the road to my house. Thank you for always starting my day with something to smile about

  3. missraychanel84 – I’m an almost Philadelphian, who is getting used to my new reality and getting to know myself. I am a former flight attendant that has been groundstopped for the time being.
    missraychanel84 says:

    This is the prettiest I’ve ever seen a gray day look.

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