42 Replies to “Dandelion Ice”

  1. maryoconnor12 – Along the Connecticut shoreline – I am a writer, poet, community volunteer, pupil of psychology, writing instructor, guest speaker, artist, lover of nature, curious traveler and author of Life Is Full of Sweet Spots, An Exploration of Joy, as well as Dreams of a Wingless Child, a book of award-winning poetry. An advocate of the power of writing as an agent of change, I enjoy speaking to community groups about the joy of making words sing and conduct creative poetry writing workshops for inmates at the State of Connecticut’s York Correctional Institution. As a writer and a painter, I enjoy living along the Connecticut shore, where I infuse everyday observations of the natural world with the sensitivity and insightfulness that tend to define my experience of life. It is these reflections that have helped me realize that one need not look far to find an element of peace, of celebration, of joy, in this inordinate world of which we are all a part.
    maryoconnor12 says:

    So delicately Beautiful!! Also makes me think of a flock of birds, swallows perhaps, rising into the morning sky.

  2. Laura Kate – One of six children, I was raised by a busy mom, who instilled in me a love of fabric. Though I learned to sew and knit at a young age, it was the arrival of my first grandchild that pushed me into action. A long-time knitter, I am now ready to explore all things fiber.
    Laura Kate says:


  3. The first time I watched the movie Dr. Zhivago, in the one scene as ice formed on the windows and them melted. From that moment on I have loved the images the ice makes on glass. Beautifully quilled…

  4. dennyho – A Virginia native, I was born in RVA. In my twenties I married and moved to SoCal where I learned to love a new landscape, was forced to drop my ever present southern 'ma'am', and discovered the necessity of honing my (lacking) map skills. In due time I found myself in C'bus where our daughter arrived and gladly I put myself second. Next city on tour was the 'Burgh (as in PA) and here we welcomed our son. Many years later, I now reside in E'ville, Virginia, Earlysville for those of you who may not know of my sleepy little hamlet resting within Charlottesville in the piedmont of the Blue Ridge Mountains. As I look back over the the abbreviated stops along my life's highway I know I've stepped foot in every spot, met every person, and experienced every high and low for exacting yet unknown reasons bringing me to where I am today. The who I am today is because I travelled that highway, made those stops, and dared to believe I do have it all.
    dennyho says:

    Such pretty formations.

  5. marlandphotos – Millersburg, Ohio, U.S.A – 70+ year-old married gentleman who enjoys photography as a hobby. I also enjoy walking with my wife, birding, playing chess, jigsaw puzzles, scrabble, carving, and travel.
    marlandphotos says:


  6. Homestead Prowlers – We are Floki, Zoe and Otis and purrents Momma and Paw Paw. We live on 54 acres in Wisconsin. Floki, Zoe and Otis have their own Blog called Homestead Prowlers and Momma has a blog about her love of everything in and around her home called Momma Of The Homestead Prowlers.
    Homestead Prowlers says:

    I love Dandelion Ice, it’s so beautiful. Thank you for introducing me to it!

  7. Juliann Budimir - IG: @laphotowriter – Juliann Budimir is a credited market research writer/analyst in the entertainment industry and a Francophile with a Master of Arts degree in French Literature from UCLA. Her love of photography has increased significantly in the past year; her photos often inspire her writing.
    Juliann Budimir - IG: @laphotowriter says:


  8. clcouch123 – I prefer Christopher in conversation. In writing, I use C L Couch because it’s a genderless form of my name and, frankly, easier—I have severe writer’s cramp. I mean to be a poet writing occasional and spiritual verse. The photographs used permanently here—for the banner, for my profile—were taken by Debra Danielson, a photographer and friend. You may enjoy more of her work at debra.danielson.org. If you would credit me when quoting my work, I'd be thankful. As I am thankful for your presence here.
    clcouch123 says:

    ice flight depicted artfully by winter and by you

  9. Kenne – I am writing about what comes naturally to my heart and all expressions of light. I experience the world through my own filter... sharing my inspiration with any interested. In this new time, my exploration of light and love will turn to the inner light of all humans, all worlds and the love that connects us together.
    Kenne says:

    So beautiful and thoughtful. Your artistic ice renderings are vibrant and captivating!

  10. judybarton – Still in love, complicated, almost stupid, interested to recognize herself. "Up to the age of eighteen years old everybody writes poems; after, only two categories of people may continue to do it: poets and idiots." (Benedetto Croce). Obviously I do not consider myself a poet.
    judybarton says:

    Liked so much!

  11. M.B. Henry – I've been crazy about History since my Ancient Egypt phase in the sixth grade. WWII and Military History took me over in high school, and I combined my writing endeavors with my historical ones to bring history to life. My debut Historical-Fiction Novel, "All the Lights Above Us," following five different women from different backgrounds as they struggle to survive D-Day, comes out in May, 2022. Representation - Lindsay Guzzardo at Martin Literary Management
    M.B. Henry says:


  12. Melody J Haislip – Born in a small, Illinois log cabin . . . No, that won’t work. The pampered only child of incredibly wealthy parents . . . No, that won’t fly either. Raised by French nuns after her aristocratic parents were beheaded . . . No, that’s been done! Got it: An East Coast transplant to the Pacific Northwest, this notoriously late bloomer began her new life with a new career as a writer and blogger. She has taken to both the new location and the career move like a duck to water. Writing is a new adventure, and our intrepid risk-taker is diving in, feeling right at home and making new friends. Reached for comment, she replied, “Okay, I wrote my bio, now may I Please go out and play?” We expect great, or perhaps merely more coherent, things from this writer. (Okay, that’s a wrap. What a wacko!)
    Melody J Haislip says:

    Lovely visuals 🙂

  13. Irene Tobias Rodriguez – Having taught art for many years to all ages and having grown up with a mother interested in assorted crafts, my art experience covers a variety of media and techniques. I am constantly experimenting with ideas and materials. When something catches my eye or an idea pops into my head, it often becomes a work of art. My artwork includes acrylics, watercolors, original art quilts, block prints, scratch art, digital paintings, photographs, ink drawings, gourd art, and various three-dimensional art including hand felted wool head figures. I use a variety of subjects including flowers, animals, still life, landscape, and maritime. Most of my work is representational although I sometimes work with abstracts. I have also developed a technique I call "Puzzle Paintings" in which I cut a board into puzzle type pieces, paint each of these segments individually, then put them back together to create the completed, slightly distorted looking work.
    Irene Tobias Rodriguez says:

    With insulated windows, you don’t see these much any more. I used to love seeing them 🙁

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