19 Replies to “The Picking Yard”

  1. Sreejith Nair – Kannur, Kerala – I am from the south indian state of kerala, and now living in Bangalore. My passion is travelling and photography.
    Sreejith Nair says:

    So colorful and diverse … beautiful image 🙂

  2. jane tims – Canada – Hi. I am a writer and biologist. I am also interested in history and community sustainability. I write mostly poetry. My training is in botany, so I often include plants in my poems. Visit me at www.nichepoetryandprose.wordpress.com
    jane tims says:

    Beautiful photo, especially the bluebells!

    1. 🙂
      It is my mother’s way to be so very generous in the garden – encourage the picking of flowers to one’s heart’s content!

      1. those pink poppies are old fashioned ones – they do seem to bloom longer

  3. The Human – Am the human living in a household doing the bidding of two cats, Munchkin and Henry. When they are sleeping and don't need my care and loving touches, my time is filled with sewing, reading, studying various languages, taking photographs, using the computer, and looking for new things to learn.
    The Human says:

    Simply beautiful! Soul soothing…

  4. derrickjknight – UK – I am an octogenarian enjoying rambling physically and photographing what I see, and rambling in my head as memories are triggered. I also ramble through a lifetime's photographs. In these later years much rambling is done in a car.
    derrickjknight says:

    I couldn’t pick them 🙂

  5. You have some beautiful photos on your blog. Your poetic words are inspiring.

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