19 Replies to “Opening”

  1. derrickjknight – UK – I am an octogenarian enjoying rambling physically and photographing what I see, and rambling in my head as memories are triggered. I also ramble through a lifetime's photographs. In these later years much rambling is done in a car.
    derrickjknight says:


  2. Lee – Maryland – Photography is my hobby. I own 33 PLANET EARTH groups on Flickr. This blog is not about me, its about the members of the family of PLANET EARTH groups. Administration Team Thanks to all members for being part of the family of PLANET EARTH groups. PLANET EARTH groups are not the largest groups on Flickr but we are some of the best groups. Members on the administration team are all active members and do care about our planet. 29 PLANET EARTH groups please take the time and ck. out what these groups have to offer, thousands of photos and videos by our members. My daughter is part of Administration for PLANET EARTH groups. zieglerb www.flickr.com/photos/zieglerb/ ♥PANKARITA♥ is part of Administration for CHILDREN OUR FUTURE, and PLANET EARTH OUR HOME www.flickr.com/photos/kristel_pankarita/ Any problems or concerns please contact any of us. Your Friend Lee PLANET EARTH groups. www.flickr.com/people/thats_right/ Wordpress: PLANET EARTH NEWSLETTER blog http://planetearthnewsletter.wordpress.com/ copy and paste above link or click on PLANET EARTH NEWSLETTER blog below. This is an active blog so ck. back when you can for future updates. Get fed get the feed.
    Lee says:

    Thanks for sharing Buddha.

  3. without your words, I wouldn’t have notice the Buddha! I am rushing again… need to slow down!

  4. So did you find Buddha? 😉

    Nice photo, snow can truly turn a scene completely!


  5. Robin Dawn Hudechek – Laguna Beach, CA – Robin Hudechek received her MFA in creative writing, poetry, from UCI. A Pushcart Prize nominee, her poems have recently appeared in Caliban Online, Silver Birch Press, Chiron Review, Cadence Collective: Year Two Anthology, Poemeleon, and Verse-Virtual. In October, 2015, her chapbook, Ice Angels was published in IDES: A Collection of Poetry Chapbooks. Also of note: her poem, "Walking With Medusa" was selected as an Edtors' Choice by the editors of wordpress.com, and is Freshly Pressed.
    Robin Dawn Hudechek says:


  6. Bumba – Los Angeles – Shown on a recent visit to the Big Apple, Bumba has written two literary novels and has recorded two CD soundtrack albums to accompany them. Check it out on Bumba Books.
    Bumba says:

    Where is that?

  7. 2ndhalfolife – In the second (or really third?) half of my life now. Moving into the more crone stage: out of my head, into my soul. My magic is returning after many years of having lost it to the streets of life. There have been some very dark times, but these have made my journey rich with the stuff of possibility. Because out of darkness has come the glittering beauty of illumination. It has come with struggle and toil, and not without help--but I am here, and I am mostly in tact, and I'm here to share the rest of this journey with you all if you care to join me.......
    2ndhalfolife says:


  8. Robyn Haynes – Australia – Robyn enthusiastically pursues a green and writerly life on the north coast of New South Wales, Australia, where her background as a doctor of social anthropology equips her with an interesting slant on the human condition. She spends much time indulging a passion for her garden where she ponders life and attempts to stave off existential angst. In her more reflective moments she makes wry observations on courtyard gardening and its parallels with life.
    Robyn Haynes says:

    Such a serene seat. Namaste, indeed.

  9. Well, I have no interest in Buddha, so this was not a strong message to me. but generally I am very impressed with your entries. I am A born again Christian, so I know what the Bible teaches, and it is the life line for me. I trust in a God and Savior who sent His son to die for me and you, and anyone who chooses Him as the Creator of the universe and the only source I seek in making decisions. ‘the Bible is the source of all true knowledge for me and faith in Jesus and renunciation of sin and acceptance of Jesus as the source of all truth and the answer to all the probables in life. Just use the Bible and the Son and no matter how hard life gets, you will be on the winning side and the saver of one;s sould and a trip to Heaven to spend eternity with Him. come see me at jlheman1945 my Christian blog done in a short story form and ending with His message and the answer to any need we have in life. HIs trune inerrant Word is the Life manual. jlehman1945

  10. Pingback: Opening

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