49 Replies to “Watercolor”

  1. Rajiv – I have been around the block a bit. I've lived in four countries, and in many parts of my country. I have been fortunate enough to meet some really good people, and some really lousy ones, all of whom have taught me much. I am passionate about photography, writing, Indian history and continuing on this grand journey towards death.
    Rajiv says:

    Nice one

  2. simon7banks – Harwich, UK – I write poems and stories, often mystical or fantastical. I believe very strongly that poetry is an art of the spoken word, so the sound of the words is important: so please say my poems aloud, if only in your head. I live in the U.K., in Harwich, Essex, but have worked in Kenya and Finland, and travelled to many other places. This is my literary blog. I'm also a Liberal Democrat political activist, birder, long-distance trail walker, real ale drinker and Quaker.
    simon7banks says:


  3. Liz Terry – GL5 4PU – I love to write, and have had quite a few articles published over the years. I write non-fiction on all sorts of subjects, including my own life and what matters to me. I write a blog, called "My Random Ramblings", which you can access by clicking to view my complete profile and then clicking on the link at the bottom. I also wrote a new blog in 2013 called "The 365 Project - a photo diary in words". Intrigued? Then you need to click to view my complete profile and click on the relevant link at the bottom.
    Liz Terry says:

    Really beautiful!

  4. maureenc – south east Queensland – Supposedly retired ,I fit my fabric and fibre fanaticism in with sharing my life with , family and friends and a few other activities My star sign is Cancer;I love being near the ocean and live on the shores of Moreton Bay in SEQ;I enjoy listening to music of many genre,but prefer instrumental to vocal; Reading....I always have a couple of books and magazines on the "go" simultaneously;
    maureenc says:

    I can only WISH and DREAM of being able to see such beauty.

  5. Herman van Bon Photography – 26A De Bruyn Street,, Stanford 7210, South Africa – " I like to explore the possibilities and limits of digital art, I just let it flow to see where it can go, sometimes the end result appears quickly, sometimes the creative process takes months and other times  the creation dies in its own beauty". 
    Herman van Bon Photography says:

    Reblogged this on My Choice.

  6. Faithrises – Faithrises is an inspirational place for readers to be encouraged and motivated, through Scripture verses, poetry, lyrics, and quotes. It serves as a daily devotional containing hundreds of posts, encouraging and inspiring readers to rise each day above personal difficulties, challenging circumstances, and just day-to-day "life" in general. My name is Faith and it is my sincere hope that you will be blessed, uplifted, and inspired here.☀️ Smiles and Blessings!
    Faithrises says:


  7. Cathy Ulrich – Fort Collins, CO – I am a creative, first and foremost, and I love writing and photography. As a bodyworker and energy healer, I enjoy sharing my experiences and insights as well as some of my more eclectic and creative adventures here on this blog. Feel free to read more by clicking the "About" link. Welcome!
    Cathy Ulrich says:

    I love this one, Seedbud! Beautiful.

  8. Rene Yoshi – Just a transplanted Okinawan-French Southern girl with a wee bit o' Irish, sharing photography and what I'm learning about spiritual things, including putting off legalism and religious traditions, and embracing God's matchless love, tender mercy, and amazing grace!
    Rene Yoshi says:

    You have such a good eye! Love your abstracts!

  9. maryoconnor12 – Along the Connecticut shoreline – I am a writer, poet, community volunteer, pupil of psychology, writing instructor, guest speaker, artist, lover of nature, curious traveler and author of Life Is Full of Sweet Spots, An Exploration of Joy, as well as Dreams of a Wingless Child, a book of award-winning poetry. An advocate of the power of writing as an agent of change, I enjoy speaking to community groups about the joy of making words sing and conduct creative poetry writing workshops for inmates at the State of Connecticut’s York Correctional Institution. As a writer and a painter, I enjoy living along the Connecticut shore, where I infuse everyday observations of the natural world with the sensitivity and insightfulness that tend to define my experience of life. It is these reflections that have helped me realize that one need not look far to find an element of peace, of celebration, of joy, in this inordinate world of which we are all a part.
    maryoconnor12 says:

    Absolutely perfect…words and image!

  10. Lee – Maryland – Photography is my hobby. I own 33 PLANET EARTH groups on Flickr. This blog is not about me, its about the members of the family of PLANET EARTH groups. Administration Team Thanks to all members for being part of the family of PLANET EARTH groups. PLANET EARTH groups are not the largest groups on Flickr but we are some of the best groups. Members on the administration team are all active members and do care about our planet. 29 PLANET EARTH groups please take the time and ck. out what these groups have to offer, thousands of photos and videos by our members. My daughter is part of Administration for PLANET EARTH groups. zieglerb www.flickr.com/photos/zieglerb/ ♥PANKARITA♥ is part of Administration for CHILDREN OUR FUTURE, and PLANET EARTH OUR HOME www.flickr.com/photos/kristel_pankarita/ Any problems or concerns please contact any of us. Your Friend Lee PLANET EARTH groups. www.flickr.com/people/thats_right/ Wordpress: PLANET EARTH NEWSLETTER blog http://planetearthnewsletter.wordpress.com/ copy and paste above link or click on PLANET EARTH NEWSLETTER blog below. This is an active blog so ck. back when you can for future updates. Get fed get the feed.
    Lee says:

    Beautiful colors a wonderful find.

  11. TickleHead – I was an editor for Games magazine from 1987 to 1990, and have written books and features for many publishers for over 20 years. In addition, I spend many hours per week running and biking, and believe strongly in good breakfast restaurants and the ridiculousness of ducks.
    TickleHead says:

    Thanks for your “like.” I love your words and pictures!

  12. Susan Feniak – Salmon Arm – I am an artist. I live with my husband on the shore of Shuswap Lake in British Columbia Canada. If my art makes you smile then I have succeeded in my quest to make this world a happier, brighter place.
    Susan Feniak says:

    Simply beautiful.

  13. Pat – I'm a retired educator and avid amateur photographer. I live in southern Ohio with my wonderful husband and two delightful cats.
    Pat says:

    So lovely.

  14. firefly1275 – Louisiana – V. Rose enjoys creating mystical characters and worlds, with a touch of the modern day world. When she is not writing or thinking up her next story ideas, she is enjoying South Louisiana sunsets.
    firefly1275 says:

    Very beautiful and nice!

  15. 2ndhalfolife – In the second (or really third?) half of my life now. Moving into the more crone stage: out of my head, into my soul. My magic is returning after many years of having lost it to the streets of life. There have been some very dark times, but these have made my journey rich with the stuff of possibility. Because out of darkness has come the glittering beauty of illumination. It has come with struggle and toil, and not without help--but I am here, and I am mostly in tact, and I'm here to share the rest of this journey with you all if you care to join me.......
    2ndhalfolife says:

    Lovely to notice this!

  16. Robyn Graham Photography – I am a photographer living in Doylestown, PA, in the heart of Bucks County, who loves to capture life one image at a time. In the studio or on-location the services I provide are: Head Shots, Corporate Head Shots, Family and Youth Portraits, High School Senior Portraits, Product Photography, Individual and Group Photography Workshops.
    Robyn Graham Photography says:


  17. Patricia McGoldrick – Canada – Poet Writer Reviewer Environment, Nature, Agriculture, People, and History are favorite topics to write about. Upcycling materials into handmade books is a fun challenge!
    Patricia A. McGoldrick says:


  18. M. – Since I was little I liked to visualize and create things. Painting with watercolors is what makes me happy now. That, and spending time gardening and reading. I love long walks, biking, and the beach.
    mehrlich125 says:

    Beautiful …so easy to get lost in this picture!

  19. maureenc – south east Queensland – Supposedly retired ,I fit my fabric and fibre fanaticism in with sharing my life with , family and friends and a few other activities My star sign is Cancer;I love being near the ocean and live on the shores of Moreton Bay in SEQ;I enjoy listening to music of many genre,but prefer instrumental to vocal; Reading....I always have a couple of books and magazines on the "go" simultaneously;
    maureenc says:

    The soft luminous quality of this photo is exquisite.

  20. Lori Fontanes – Writer in various media covering food, technology, climate change and the environment. Also: adjunct professor, community advocate and backyard farmer. I believe in democracy.
    Lori Fontanes says:

    Quietly beautiful!

  21. Dr. Denny Wilkins – Dr. Denny Wilkins professes journalism at a small, private university in the Northeast. He has climbed, hiked, kayaked, photographed, skied, and otherwise meandered aimlessly throughout the American West for decades. He has degrees in geology, environmental studies, and communication — and has tried to make use of them as a co-founder of the progressive cultural blog ScholarsandRogues.com. He’s broadly interested in how the world works and why it works that way. He hates writing, although he does like having written well.
    Dr. Denny Wilkins says:

    Another example of sophisticated simplicity. Well done.

  22. judybarton – Still in love, complicated, almost stupid, interested to recognize herself. "Up to the age of eighteen years old everybody writes poems; after, only two categories of people may continue to do it: poets and idiots." (Benedetto Croce). Obviously I do not consider myself a poet.
    judybarton says:

    what a peace and still and sweetness

  23. projectwords11 – As I’m more than a bit obsessed by language I decided I needed an outlet! So this is going be a place for the bits and bobs I write…… when inspiration sparks my creative cogs and sends them whirring into action Writing has always been a enjoyable pastime of mine and languages have always fascinated me but now it’s become a key part of me coming to terms with the life I didn’t plan
    projectwords11 says:

    what a beauty!

  24. judybarton – Still in love, complicated, almost stupid, interested to recognize herself. "Up to the age of eighteen years old everybody writes poems; after, only two categories of people may continue to do it: poets and idiots." (Benedetto Croce). Obviously I do not consider myself a poet.
    judybarton says:

    May I use this pic in my blog? … really, I already did it…

      1. judybarton – Still in love, complicated, almost stupid, interested to recognize herself. "Up to the age of eighteen years old everybody writes poems; after, only two categories of people may continue to do it: poets and idiots." (Benedetto Croce). Obviously I do not consider myself a poet.
        judybarton says:

        done! ty!

  25. Do you believe what your eyes can see…beauty such as leaf and twig has shared above?

    Then why pay any price for other manufactured visual pleasures?

  26. Robin Dawn Hudechek – Laguna Beach, CA – Robin Hudechek received her MFA in creative writing, poetry, from UCI. A Pushcart Prize nominee, her poems have recently appeared in Caliban Online, Silver Birch Press, Chiron Review, Cadence Collective: Year Two Anthology, Poemeleon, and Verse-Virtual. In October, 2015, her chapbook, Ice Angels was published in IDES: A Collection of Poetry Chapbooks. Also of note: her poem, "Walking With Medusa" was selected as an Edtors' Choice by the editors of wordpress.com, and is Freshly Pressed.
    Robin Dawn Hudechek says:

    Just lovely!!

  27. derrickjknight – UK – I am an octogenarian enjoying rambling physically and photographing what I see, and rambling in my head as memories are triggered. I also ramble through a lifetime's photographs. In these later years much rambling is done in a car.
    derrickjknight says:

    Lovely pastel palette

  28. Margaret Lynette Sharp – Sydney, Australia – I studied Short Story Writing and Freelance Journalism for a total of five years when I was younger, but it's only lately that I've tried to make a go of it as a professional. I have written eleven books now, all published by Amazon Kindle, and most also published as paperbacks by Createspace and available on the Amazon web-site. Several Sydney libraries have copies of some volumes, and they are currently on loan.My books are all listed by Goodreads. The total number of ratings of my titles there is in excess of 80, with an average of 4.4 stars. I am happily married to Ronald Sharp, the creator of the Grand Organ in the Concert Hall of the Sydney Opera House. He has consistently encouraged me to write, and has spent much time in editing, compiling, and designing the covers of each book. I'm keen on swimming, love animals, and appreciate good music and art.
    Margaret Lynette Sharp says:

    Sweet and delicate 🙂

  29. Minuet – Tasmania – I'm a single, mid 40s woman who is making big changes to my life by living the the same house I've always lived in, working in the same jobs and seeing the same friends. Seriously - after going nowhere for 30 years, now I have control. :)
    Minuet says:


  30. gorgeousgael – United Kingdom – I am a playwright/writer, writing for 25 years. My plays have been performed in London and toured Ireland and America, I also write novels, my latest one being CRICKLEWOOD COWBOYS (available on Amazon).My latest lay is FALLING FROM GRACE, about the life and time of Shane McGowan OF The Pogues. I was born in Co Waterford Ireland, but I now live in Hastings UK
    gorgeousgael says:

    like it!

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