4 Replies to “December Dusk”

  1. New Earth Heartbeat – Can I ask myself what it is that I really know? Am I open to radically changing the way I think, feel and act? This blog pursues these questions and reflects where this ongoing exploration into consciousness and into my original nature leads me.
    heartflow2012 says:

    Dear Seedbud ~ (what a lovely name!)

    I wish you and your family a very bright New Year 2013, full of joy and happiness! May 2013 brings in Peace and Love for all living beings on Earth!

    In Lak’ech Ala K’in!



  2. New Earth Heartbeat – Can I ask myself what it is that I really know? Am I open to radically changing the way I think, feel and act? This blog pursues these questions and reflects where this ongoing exploration into consciousness and into my original nature leads me.
    heartflow2012 says:

    Lately we have been having “ember sunsets” here on the Southern Oregon Coast – the sky is quite overcast and then just above the horizon at sunset there is an opening – like a horizontal crack p – and the setting sun just shines through with orange embers…

    with Love,

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