
As winter edges closer
the woods become rust and grey.
Only the sound of one’s own footsteps
mulching leaves
interrupts the silence.

Leaves Surrender

the first surrender is to color
the second is to be untethered by the wind
and the final surrender is to perish in form and replenish the earth


The gnarled tree
holds the history and tells the story
of the woods.

Listen closely.


The water glitters and shouts as it rushes on
carrying memories of perfection from the freshness of youth.
Age tempers today’s perfection with the acceptance of impermanence
making the glitter more brilliant and the shouting more joyful.

Magic in the Mist

Beneath the shroud of early morning mist
all creatures and growing things pause
and give thanks for the coming day.


On an ordinary day a walk reveals
the enchanted place
where the golden birch resides
totem for fairies and unicorns.


As dusk descends a storm approaches,
celestial light graces the trees
and shelters the shadow of the house.


A miniature forest in a miniscule landscape,
the majesty of moss.


The February forest offers
ten thousand shades of grey,
haven for the mourning dove.

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