15 Replies to “A New Galaxy Appeared”

  1. andreacfrt – I was born in Cape Verde, Sao Vicente and moved to Lisbon, Portugal at age 1. At age 13 I moved to United States and have been resided here ever since. Since my journey to the United States, I over came many obstacles that lead me to convert to Islam. Through Islam, I found a new identification and place in this world. I become very passionate to learn about different cultures from an inner and outer perspective, especially my culture. One day I bough a professional camera with no professional training, I began to capture anything that was beautiful to me. In this blog I hope to share with words and images the beauty that I see.
    andreacfrt says:

    I enjoyed reading the post!

  2. clcouch123 – I prefer Christopher in conversation. In writing, I use C L Couch because it’s a genderless form of my name and, frankly, easier—I have severe writer’s cramp. I mean to be a poet writing occasional and spiritual verse. The photographs used permanently here—for the banner, for my profile—were taken by Debra Danielson, a photographer and friend. You may enjoy more of her work at debra.danielson.org. If you would credit me when quoting my work, I'd be thankful. As I am thankful for your presence here.
    clcouch123 says:

    I like the puddle universe
    maybe the Saturns
    are moons
    are satellites
    to each other

    (have a great weekend)

  3. jane tims – Canada – Hi. I am a writer and biologist. I am also interested in history and community sustainability. I write mostly poetry. My training is in botany, so I often include plants in my poems. Visit me at www.nichepoetryandprose.wordpress.com
    jane tims says:

    what a great idea! there is a pond in Yellowstone Park where the bubbles seep from the bottom of the pond, move through the water and burst through to the surface. In keeping with your poem, planets being born.

  4. 100 Country Trek – Hello. Nice to meet you. My journey to cover as much of the world as possible began in Costa Rica in 2003. This is a story in itself, but for now I'll tell the short version . On a hike around Manuel Antonio I started chatting with a fellow hiker from Belgium. He told me he had a trip planned to visit Borneo within a few weeks of his return home. He then went on to say he had been to at least fifty different countries. That was when the travel bug bit me. I haven't stopped going since and the journey has been so incredible . It is here that I will share some of the incredible travel experiences .
    100 Country Trek says:

    So amazing poem but I love this image. Anita

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