11 Replies to “Union”

  1. Jaye Marie and Anita Dawes – united kingdom – we are 'silver surfers' and writers of fiction, proving every day that you are never too old to have fun!
    Books & Bonsai says:

    Colour matched!

  2. chelawriter – I thought retirement would give me more time to write, but as with may others, my experience of retirement so far is that it is far busier than my employment years. Two wild fires with evacuations and extensive damage to my home have not helped. Repairs are almost complete, and fingers crossed things will settle down so I can post more often.
    chelawriter says:

    I start each day with your images, accompaniment to my spiritual practice. Thank you for the perpetual smile they induce.

  3. O stunning . Taking a sip whilst the back camouflage the vulnerable position

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