23 Replies to “We Shared A Look”

  1. What a splendid looking bird. Your words remind me of getting to know the local birds once we had moved to our present home: once I had actually seen a bird singing, I found it easy to recognise them.

  2. Laura Kate – One of six children, I was raised by a busy mom, who instilled in me a love of fabric. Though I learned to sew and knit at a young age, it was the arrival of my first grandchild that pushed me into action. A long-time knitter, I am now ready to explore all things fiber.
    Laura Kate says:

    Nice shot. I like the cardinal’s pose, looking over his shoulder. As if to say “Hey, you!”

  3. Oh, Catherine, this is one of your best yet! I read the words first and loved them, then as the photo loaded and I saw the added layer of meaning I went ” Ohhhh!”

  4. Ray Laskowitz – I am a visual storyteller. I've been making pictures for some 40 years. I travel the world in search of the right image. in the right light at the right time. You can reach me by phone at 505.280.4686, or by email at Ray@Laskowitzpicturess.com or Pictures34@me.com. For a quick look at my work please go to www.laskowitzpictures.com.
    Ray Laskowitz says:

    We have a Cardinal couple who return to my studio window every spring. Of course, we help them find us by putting seed and water on the sill.

      1. Ray Laskowitz – I am a visual storyteller. I've been making pictures for some 40 years. I travel the world in search of the right image. in the right light at the right time. You can reach me by phone at 505.280.4686, or by email at Ray@Laskowitzpicturess.com or Pictures34@me.com. For a quick look at my work please go to www.laskowitzpictures.com.
        Ray Laskowitz says:

        It really makes us smile. They kind of look in the window at us.

    1. judybarton – Still in love, complicated, almost stupid, interested to recognize herself. "Up to the age of eighteen years old everybody writes poems; after, only two categories of people may continue to do it: poets and idiots." (Benedetto Croce). Obviously I do not consider myself a poet.
      judybarton says:

      uhmm…the previous one is me … lol

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