13 Replies to “Painted”

  1. pastpeter – Sometime Senior Scientist, sometime Senior Pastor, now senior citizen, happily retired and living once again on Long Island, New York – the place people always want to leave but always come back to. Our retirement years have taken Marian and me to mid-coast Maine (A Maine Winter), to the New Hampshire Lakes region (A New Hampshire Journal), and then back to Long Island, where we had spent the 17 “best years of our lives” (Past Pastoring). We loved the north country, but are so glad to be “Home” (Long Islanders).
    pastpeter says:

    Oh, to have a meadow
    Where wild flowers bloom!

      1. pastpeter – Sometime Senior Scientist, sometime Senior Pastor, now senior citizen, happily retired and living once again on Long Island, New York – the place people always want to leave but always come back to. Our retirement years have taken Marian and me to mid-coast Maine (A Maine Winter), to the New Hampshire Lakes region (A New Hampshire Journal), and then back to Long Island, where we had spent the 17 “best years of our lives” (Past Pastoring). We loved the north country, but are so glad to be “Home” (Long Islanders).
        pastpeter says:

        I think it’s me,but Memory plays strange tricks these days! But it tells you how I love your property from afar!

  2. I love this photograph, the images of Impressionism and Pointillism it conjures up in my minds eye.
    The care free, flowing felt sensation of walking through this field on a summer day is palpable.

    1. Thank you Arati. It was perfect morning light and the light breeze made so much movement in the meadow.

  3. derrickjknight – UK – I am an octogenarian enjoying rambling physically and photographing what I see, and rambling in my head as memories are triggered. I also ramble through a lifetime's photographs. In these later years much rambling is done in a car.
    derrickjknight says:


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