8 Replies to “Beneath the Eagle’s Wings”

  1. amusingword – I miss my cat... I am now an older woman ready to retire. I'm first and foremost an avid reader who loves to eat a meal with a book propped up on my trusty BOOK CHAIR. I even read when I brush my teeth, I guess it's my one true life long obsession. I've always been a curious soul. I Love music although I've walked away from the obsession of it, now I just enjoy it now and then! My mind is full of questions to ask about anything that looks interesting. I consider myself eccentric and somewhat paranoid.
    amusingword says:

    It wasn’t a turkey buzzard?

    1. No, there is a pair of eagles that spend all year in the palisades. I missed the shot of the two of them – they are so stealth. So I only caught the wings as they headed back to the nest. They are so magnificent. to me – even just the feather tip… always a sacred moment catching any glimpse of them.

      1. amusingword – I miss my cat... I am now an older woman ready to retire. I'm first and foremost an avid reader who loves to eat a meal with a book propped up on my trusty BOOK CHAIR. I even read when I brush my teeth, I guess it's my one true life long obsession. I've always been a curious soul. I Love music although I've walked away from the obsession of it, now I just enjoy it now and then! My mind is full of questions to ask about anything that looks interesting. I consider myself eccentric and somewhat paranoid.
        amusingword says:

        We have Eagles too here in our valley in NEPA (North eastern PA) We often see him roosted in a tree near the creek that runs through town, although he seems to feed a mile or 2 north of us.

      2. It is such an honor to live among the eagles. I am always on the lookout for them and any sighting makes for a special day.

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