15 Replies to “Interloper”

  1. derrickjknight – UK – I am an octogenarian enjoying rambling physically and photographing what I see, and rambling in my head as memories are triggered. I also ramble through a lifetime's photographs. In these later years much rambling is done in a car.
    derrickjknight says:

    Nice thought

  2. tjparis – Australia – An Aussie who likes to take a lighthearted look at life through writing and photography. The human capacity to produce beautiful things is worth celebrating!
    tjparis says:

    What a stunning photo! I just love the balance and the moment you have captured.

  3. twistedsisterweb – La Quinta, CA – I'm thrilled you've found me because I'll bet we're a lot alike is my bet. We both appreciate beautiful jewelry and we want to purchase or make items that make us standout from the crowd. Let's face it, we love getting compliments on our unique tastes. I started making jewelry to accomplish just that but soon became so frustrated because everything looked "me too". This is why I invented The Twisted Sister Technique. This wire wrapping techniques makes an amazing statement piece. I know everyone thinks their designs are unique but in the 5 years I have been designing I have never seen any necklaces that compare to the Twisted Sister. Per so many request, The Twisted Sister Method is available for DIYers in a Beading Kit in tons of colors. I also have a Chanel Inspired Kit available. I now have hundreds of TS customers and I want you to be one too. (Note: Every necklace is a 1 of a Kind!) To thank my loyal customers I created a Twisted Sister Newsletter that is a fashion and jewelry romp! It has been so successful that I wanted to turn it into this blog so it can be shared with other Twisted Sisters. I hope you will enjoy The Twist from a Twisted Sister and please tell your friends. It is so fun! Let's chat soon!…
    twistedsisterweb says:

    Great thought.

  4. Looking Up! – I have had so many good and bad experiences in my life that have molded me into who God wants me to be. I want to lift up and encourage those who are going through a tough time. I am sure God will lead me in different directions as time moves on....join me on my journey!
    Looking Up! says:

    That looks like many pictures I have taken in my own yard! Sweet precious creations by God!

  5. LB – I'm a woman who loves spending time on the motorcycle and in, or on, any body of water. I love traveling and reading, baking and cooking, taking way too many pictures, and enjoying my family and friends. Life is an adventure, and I want to remember and express my joy for it! This is a journal for me ... so I'll never forget the good times and to remind me of them on more challenging days.
    LB says:

    Interloper is right! Interloper and eater of all things growing in my yard.

  6. flahertylandscape – I like to live landscape stories…I am a landscape architect; and I like to write stories about people, plants, gardens and the landscape.
    flahertylandscape says:

    Who is the interloper? Who was here first? And who has eternal rights to this piece of land? Questions–just for fun…
    Strongest wins today. And the battle restarts tomorrow. No?

  7. flahertylandscape – I like to live landscape stories…I am a landscape architect; and I like to write stories about people, plants, gardens and the landscape.
    flahertylandscape says:

    The photo is superb, that is undeniable! Thank you.

  8. Cynthia Guenther Richardson – Pacific NW – Hello fellow readers and bloggers, Writing has always been a powerful connector to diverse ideas and people. We each are a meaningful part of this beautiful, ever-widening web of life. Blogging enables more interaction, which I love even after 11 years of blogging posts on three different sites. For thirty years I was an addictions/mental health counselor and also a manager of home care services for elderly folks. Now that I have hit 70 and am more devoted to a creative life! I've published online or in literary journals/collections several times, including fiction and creative non-fiction pieces and poetry over five decades. Additionally, I was nominated for a Pushcart Prize for an excerpt of my novel-in-progress, Other than Words (the work gathering dust at present), about a mute dancer and her impact on her adopted community and a world-travelling photojournalist. I also am working on a connected set of stories about a close-knit town in northern Michigan. On Wordpress I enjoy writing about living richly despite (or because of) life's setbacks and a diagnosis of heart disease at age 51. Posts tagged "memoir" share spiritual adventures, interactions with nature, the healing of trauma's impact and challenges of writing full-time. Short stories and creative nonfiction, and poetry are favorite genres but I enjoy sharing my photography as well My hope is my offerings reflect a profound faith in God and our humanness which cloaks spiritual natures. I include myself as part of the diverse group of writers who discover and share the illuminating, positive experiences amid life's uncertainties and hardships. Let me hear from you when you visit--I appreciate your comments a great deal. Blessings and regards, Cynthia
    Cynthia Guenther Richardson says:

    The story is right; the deer grabs me. They are wonderful creatures. Do you have hunters or is it a protected area?

    1. There are hunters, but hunting rules are strictly enforced. Most folks here use the venison and it is a necessity. Still, the sound of gunfire shatters the serenity.

      1. Cynthia Guenther Richardson – Pacific NW – Hello fellow readers and bloggers, Writing has always been a powerful connector to diverse ideas and people. We each are a meaningful part of this beautiful, ever-widening web of life. Blogging enables more interaction, which I love even after 11 years of blogging posts on three different sites. For thirty years I was an addictions/mental health counselor and also a manager of home care services for elderly folks. Now that I have hit 70 and am more devoted to a creative life! I've published online or in literary journals/collections several times, including fiction and creative non-fiction pieces and poetry over five decades. Additionally, I was nominated for a Pushcart Prize for an excerpt of my novel-in-progress, Other than Words (the work gathering dust at present), about a mute dancer and her impact on her adopted community and a world-travelling photojournalist. I also am working on a connected set of stories about a close-knit town in northern Michigan. On Wordpress I enjoy writing about living richly despite (or because of) life's setbacks and a diagnosis of heart disease at age 51. Posts tagged "memoir" share spiritual adventures, interactions with nature, the healing of trauma's impact and challenges of writing full-time. Short stories and creative nonfiction, and poetry are favorite genres but I enjoy sharing my photography as well My hope is my offerings reflect a profound faith in God and our humanness which cloaks spiritual natures. I include myself as part of the diverse group of writers who discover and share the illuminating, positive experiences amid life's uncertainties and hardships. Let me hear from you when you visit--I appreciate your comments a great deal. Blessings and regards, Cynthia
        Cynthia Guenther Richardson says:

        Yes, of course…I grew up in Mi. and often went “up north”, where hunting was entirely a way of life. I was never used to that sound, either; my family didn’t need or want to hunt. But I guess I accepted it. Thank you for the response.

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