14 Replies to “Green Mountain State”

  1. Kunal Thakore – Bombay – Chose Chemical Engineering for an education, Design and Communication as a profession and now, writing as an avocation (may it take me where it will). Many interests, a few passions, many journeys to make...
    Kunal Thakore says:

    Oh wow! Lovely colours and it just seems so serene and blissful! Where is this?

    1. In Vermont, this is a little inlet from the Connecticut river on Route 5 between Fairlee and Thetford. I often see heron’s here. A special spot.

      1. Kunal Thakore – Bombay – Chose Chemical Engineering for an education, Design and Communication as a profession and now, writing as an avocation (may it take me where it will). Many interests, a few passions, many journeys to make...
        Kunal Thakore says:

        New England is so beautiful! I’ve had the good fortune of driving through some 20-odd years ago and ever since have wanted to re-visit. Some day, God willing…

  2. Would be really nice and fresh with all the greenest in your photo.

  3. Lisa Meister – Indiana – Lisa writes about life and how knowing that God is good changes everything she has experienced. Lisa is a wife, mom of 4 amazing kids, homeschooler, sexual abuse survivor, SRA survivor, author, and speaker. She would love you to share with her the adventure of life.
    Lisa Meister says:

    Your words fit your pictures so beautifully!

  4. Brett Ann Stanciu – Vermont – Brett Ann Stanciu lives with her two daughters in Hardwick, Vermont. Her creative nonfiction book, Unstitched: My Journey to Understand Opioid Addiction and How People and Communities Can Heal, will be published by Steerforth Press in September 2021. Her novel about rural life in Vermont, Hidden View, was published in 2015.
    Brett Ann Stanciu says:

    I’m a Green Mountain resident, and I’d love to know more precise geographical locations.

    1. All my photos are taken in the Upper Valley – both the NH and VT sides of the river from Hartland to Bradford mostly.

  5. Robyn Haynes – Australia – Robyn enthusiastically pursues a green and writerly life on the north coast of New South Wales, Australia, where her background as a doctor of social anthropology equips her with an interesting slant on the human condition. She spends much time indulging a passion for her garden where she ponders life and attempts to stave off existential angst. In her more reflective moments she makes wry observations on courtyard gardening and its parallels with life.
    Robyn Haynes says:

    So restful on the eyes.

  6. LB – I'm a woman who loves spending time on the motorcycle and in, or on, any body of water. I love traveling and reading, baking and cooking, taking way too many pictures, and enjoying my family and friends. Life is an adventure, and I want to remember and express my joy for it! This is a journal for me ... so I'll never forget the good times and to remind me of them on more challenging days.
    LB says:

    oh my goodness, this is a wonderful image! So peaceful!

  7. jane tims – Canada – Hi. I am a writer and biologist. I am also interested in history and community sustainability. I write mostly poetry. My training is in botany, so I often include plants in my poems. Visit me at www.nichepoetryandprose.wordpress.com
    jane tims says:

    Word ‘confer’ is so multi-dimensional …

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