44 Replies to “Scale”

  1. Miriam – Australia – I’m a wonder lusting woman, a musician, a freelance travel writer and magazine columnist. Utterly passionate about travel and life and turning the ordinary moments into the extraordinary. My motto is “just do it”.
    Miriam says:

    What wonderful words and picture to match.

  2. Jen – USA – I want to explore everything, from the mundane to the momentous, the playful to the profound. Nothing is insignificant and everything is related. I’m particularly fond of the mysteries contained in everyday life. Freelancing is my latest adventure, and I’d love for you to come along!
    Jennifer says:

    Love this! A child’s-eye view.

  3. kim881 – A retired teacher and examiner, I am originally from London. In my late teens and early adulthood, I lived in Cologne, Germany for nearly eight years, and the Republic of Ireland for two years, where I gave birth to my daughter. I have lived in North Norfolk in the UK for over thirty-one years. Reading and writing have been a huge part of my life since I was very young. I used to write mainly poetry, moved on to short stories and, several years ago, wrote my first novel for children aged 8+, a ghost story set in London in the Second World War. I have two grandchildren, who I love dearly, and two cats that run that wild in our overgrown garden, which is also occasionally home to deer, magpies, owls and dragonflies, and other birds and wildlife. I can see it all from my desk; it's peaceful, green and food for the imagination. Apart from being a huge Radio 4 fan, I love music, theatre and ghost stories.
    kim881 says:


  4. derrickjknight – UK – I am an octogenarian enjoying rambling physically and photographing what I see, and rambling in my head as memories are triggered. I also ramble through a lifetime's photographs. In these later years much rambling is done in a car.
    derrickjknight says:

    Nice focus

  5. maureenc – south east Queensland – Supposedly retired ,I fit my fabric and fibre fanaticism in with sharing my life with , family and friends and a few other activities My star sign is Cancer;I love being near the ocean and live on the shores of Moreton Bay in SEQ;I enjoy listening to music of many genre,but prefer instrumental to vocal; Reading....I always have a couple of books and magazines on the "go" simultaneously;
    maureenc says:

    Moss and lichens always grab my attention

  6. judybarton – Still in love, complicated, almost stupid, interested to recognize herself. "Up to the age of eighteen years old everybody writes poems; after, only two categories of people may continue to do it: poets and idiots." (Benedetto Croce). Obviously I do not consider myself a poet.
    judybarton says:

    Lol… and now mosses added to lichens! I like a lot both them and you are able to show them very well. Microcosmus & macrocosmus …

  7. Enviroart – Montréal, Québec, Canada – Visual artist, writer, biologist, blogger, mindful, mother, conflicted, constantly curious and learning
    Enviroart says:

    Spectacular shot

  8. Mary Ann – Kitchen Keepers is a blog for sharing good memories, good stories and good recipes. I have been asked to record family recipes which have been favorites for many years, adding to their story every time they are prepared and enjoyed as well as those newcomers which have their own story. Since I believe growing and preparing your own food is not only a pleasure but an art which is worthy of passing on, I am pleased to begin. Gathering around our table has been so much more than providing physical nourishment for me. For as we gather, whatever the table shape may be, we form a circle, a place of conversation and knowing and caring. Expressing our gratitude for the provision of food and family, giving thanks for bread and baker, we enter a sacred space. .
    Mary Ann says:

    You have wonderful talent for paying attention, being astonished, and telling about it! (with thanks to Mary Oliver’s lines)

  9. garytribble – Renton, WA, USA – Husband, father, foster parent, grandfather; Finance director (ret), non-profit board Treasurer; amateur artist, poet, and student of love and interior life
    garytribble says:


    This is both profound and lovely, and gives me a renewed admiration for the many and varied mosses that proliferate in my own garden and the woodlands around my home ‹ a lovely meditation on scale.

    Thank you for the way you practice and disseminate your art, and for the informative explanation of Ekphrastic poetry that you offer on your Web site (in the About section) and which you have helped strengthen as my own favorite among the poetic forms I in which I can only say I dabble. Your individual art works and your overall practice are both inspirations to me in my life overall, and in my particular practices.

    I hope you are sufficiently compensated for your work by your art sales and the new arrangements you recently announced on your Web site, and that my occasionally sharing my favorites from among your daily emails contributes some small amount to your visibility, and perhaps even a little to your compensation.

    In coupled admiration and gratitude,


    From: leaf and twig Reply-To: leaf and twig Date: Tuesday, March 22, 2016 at 1:03 AM To: gjt Subject: [New post] Scale

    WordPress.com seedbud posted: ” a mountain of moss grew its own forest altering the dimensions of the world”

    1. Gary, thank you so much for taking the time to write. I so appreciate your kind words, generous spirit and appreciation. Blessings to you. Catherine _/\_

  10. Rene Yoshi – Just a transplanted Okinawan-French Southern girl with a wee bit o' Irish, sharing photography and what I'm learning about spiritual things, including putting off legalism and religious traditions, and embracing God's matchless love, tender mercy, and amazing grace!
    Rene Yoshi says:

    LOVE this!!!

  11. Dana J. Dewey – Eastern Washington – I was a slow learner as a child and to overcome my fear of school, as an adult I attended many of them. I ended up with a master of science degree in counseling psychology and I'm a licensed mental health counselor who is passionate about mental health. This blog is about life, joy, and the pursuit of good mental health, and the eclectic way in which it's achieved. I'm blogging a memoir, The Tail Gunner's Daughter, and later, Parent-Able: Seven Strategies for Raising a Physically Disabled Child Without Going Insane.
    Dana J Dewey says:

    You have immense talent. Your photos depict how beautiful living things are in a world that sometimes portrays ugliness. Cheers to you! Dana

  12. Kari Quaas – Everett, WA – Proud Pacific Northwesterner, community builder, @EverettSunsets, photographer, Coug, volunteer, #GoSolar, cat lover & Mini driver.
    kariquaas says:

    Dig it!

  13. Tom's Nature-up-close Photography and Mindfulness Blog – My Blog primarily consists of close-up nature photos (that I've taken locally) combined with original holistic-truth oriented prose and/or poetry involving mindfulness/awareness. I love nature and I love understanding the whole (not merely the parts and the details). I'm a retired teacher of the multiply handicapped. I have a number of interesting hobbies, such as fossil collecting, sport-kite flying, 3D and 2D close-up photography, holography, and pets. Most of all, I am into holistic self-awareness, spontaneous insight, unconventional observation/direct perception, mindfulness, meditation, world peace, non-fragmentation, population control, vegetarianism, and green energy. To follow my unique Blog of "Nature Photos and Mindfulness Sayings" and for RSS feeds to my new posts, please access at: tom8pie.com (On my regular Blog posting pages, for additional information and to follow, simply click on the "tack icon" at the upper right corner... or, on my profile page, you can click on the "Thomas Peace" icon.) Stay mindful, understanding, and caring!...
    Tom's Nature-up-close Photography and Mindfulness Blog says:

    Superb! 🙂

  14. greenmackenzie – Scotland – Hi, I'm Seonaid, and I share my home on the shores of Loch Ness deep in the Scottish Highlands with my husband, my son and a couple of dogs. I love art which is here now and gone tomorrow...like food and nature...but also have a passion for vintage and the ancient past! Nature is my favourite muse, with her wild ever shifting seasons. I have been using and teaching mindfulness and relaxation for over 12 years, and have yet to become any sort of expert :-) I'm a Psychotherapist and Cancer Support Specialist in Maggies Highlands
    greenmackenzie says:

    I love your soft hill of moss….beautiful blend of large and small✨💕✨

  15. Lee – Maryland – Photography is my hobby. I own 33 PLANET EARTH groups on Flickr. This blog is not about me, its about the members of the family of PLANET EARTH groups. Administration Team Thanks to all members for being part of the family of PLANET EARTH groups. PLANET EARTH groups are not the largest groups on Flickr but we are some of the best groups. Members on the administration team are all active members and do care about our planet. 29 PLANET EARTH groups please take the time and ck. out what these groups have to offer, thousands of photos and videos by our members. My daughter is part of Administration for PLANET EARTH groups. zieglerb www.flickr.com/photos/zieglerb/ ♥PANKARITA♥ is part of Administration for CHILDREN OUR FUTURE, and PLANET EARTH OUR HOME www.flickr.com/photos/kristel_pankarita/ Any problems or concerns please contact any of us. Your Friend Lee PLANET EARTH groups. www.flickr.com/people/thats_right/ Wordpress: PLANET EARTH NEWSLETTER blog http://planetearthnewsletter.wordpress.com/ copy and paste above link or click on PLANET EARTH NEWSLETTER blog below. This is an active blog so ck. back when you can for future updates. Get fed get the feed.
    Lee says:

    Lovely capture.

  16. shivani – there is a yellow star near the outer arm of a galaxy, "milky way" and there are lots of rocky, gaseous worlds orbiting it. one of them is my home ...
    shivanicosmos says:

    Awesome! ✨

  17. Cate – Colorado – Cate is a recovering journalist and sometimes runner who lives with exceptional cats and chickens in the Colorado Rockies. She frequently wonders what life is all about and involuntarily practices the sacred art of not knowing.
    Cate says:

    A wonderful image and observation!

  18. psychologistmimi – I love to travel, try new foods (both simple and "exotic"), ingest caffeine, and watch political news coverage. Im a big pop culture junkie who isnt afraid to say she loves "In Touch" Magazine! A social marketing expert and psychologist by training who works in the public health field trying to bring a little common sense to it all. All the world is my television and I like to provide commentary on it. Cheers
    psychologistmimi says:

    how wonderful

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