24 Replies to “Gathered”

  1. blondie63 – I love crochet, knitting, photography, dogs, cooking, baking, scrapbooking, music ,blogging and did I mention dogs? I also love to collect movies which is a big hobby of mine!
    Lisa says:

    I love this pic!! I hope you are having a wonderful weekend! Hugz Lisa and Bear

  2. Aggie – Southern Arizona, USA – Life is an excellent adventure! My husband, Lou, and I have built an off grid homestead, including rainwater collection, solar power, and passive solar earthbag tiny home. I do bookkeeping, and we also make and market BathyDerm, an herbal bath tincture that is good for the skin and fades age spots.
    Aggie says:

    Mmm. Pretty.

  3. seaangel4444 – Chicago, Illinois – Hi there! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog. My name is Cher, and I am a Canadian expat living in Chicago. I am a freelance writer, author of a children's book, and the blogger behind, "The Chicago Files". Writing is my passion, and my work takes me from writing blog posts to devising interesting travel articles, and along the path to create ideas for new children's books. You can reach me at: thechicagofiles@gmail.com
    seaangel4444 says:

    I love your work and am so glad to be following your blog. Thank you! Cher xo

  4. mariannedecher – In a raincloud in the Pacific Northwest. Let me know when summer is here. – Musician. Avid crocheter. Mostly trilingual. Occasional writer. Vegan, hippie chick. Loves short sentences. :)
    mariannedecher says:

    Yes!! And – moo 🙂

  5. Angeline M – Love travel and photography. Living in Northern California. Photos of locations visited are personal file photos. I’m on Instagram: suze.munoz
    Angeline M says:

    I love this scene; sort of similar to where I am in Northern California minus the snow.

  6. atkokosplace – I am the unplanned child to a woman so strong. A sister to brothers. A dreamer. A writer. Ninja in the dark. Star shaped in a very square world. Teacher to eager ears. My learning desire is quenchless. On the outside looking in. Not interested in the fake. Wizard when I can find my wand. Fascinated by fireflies. Fighter of underdogs. Small, but mighty. Believer in superheros. Ecstatic to be different. Provider of nourishing meals, sassy when needed, quirky at best. Epic concoction maker. Boredom doesn't exist.
    atkokosplace says:

    Beautiful picture….do they ever get cold?

  7. Rene Yoshi – Just a transplanted Okinawan-French Southern girl with a wee bit o' Irish, sharing photography and what I'm learning about spiritual things, including putting off legalism and religious traditions, and embracing God's matchless love, tender mercy, and amazing grace!
    Rene Yoshi says:

    And staying warm together is one of those comforts. Beautiful image.

  8. highland hind – Scotland – At an age when I should have known better, I took a gamble. I sold my home, discarded most of my possessions and started to live a nomadic existence: travelling, housesitting, learning new skills and living as cheaply as possible. Walking and writing become my daily focus. I took five weeks to walk the pilgrimage that is the Camino de Santiago; I camped and climbed in the Scottish hills, trecked across wild New Zealand, wrote several short stories and completed a novel. My "time out" is over - for now - but it has changed my perspective and focus. And while time for blogging time is severely reduced I still intend to share my adventures on the road and in the hills.
    highland hind says:

    This takes me right back to my childhood on a hill farm in northern Scotland. Thank you!

  9. anotherday2paradise – Durban South Africa and Florida USA – I enjoy writing about absolutely anything, and started blogging with WordPress in 2012. This was my 'Hammock Lady' blog, and I really enjoyed sharing my travels here: http://adinparadise.wordpress.com/ In November 2013, I decided it was time for a change of scenery, so I started my blog afresh, and here it is. I love to travel, and have been fortunate enough to do two round-the-world trips and visit more than forty countries so far. This year we visited our 7th continent, Antarctica. I enjoy photographing wildlife, especially in my backyard in Florida. I was born and brought up in England. My husband and I emigrated to South Africa in 1970. We now live in Florida, USA. I have a son and a daughter and five gorgeous grandchildren currently aged between 6 and 21 years. I'm so happy that you've taken the time to visit my blog, and would love for you to join me on my travels. Sylvia.
    anotherday2paradise says:

    Such a peaceful pic and words. 🙂

  10. LB – I'm a woman who loves spending time on the motorcycle and in, or on, any body of water. I love traveling and reading, baking and cooking, taking way too many pictures, and enjoying my family and friends. Life is an adventure, and I want to remember and express my joy for it! This is a journal for me ... so I'll never forget the good times and to remind me of them on more challenging days.
    LB says:

    They are gathered and loving that sun, I’ll bet!

  11. Sharifah – I am a writer and former journalist exploring the many facets of life. The title of my blog mirrors my philosophy. I celebrate all the concentric circles that form my identity: Malay, South East Asian, a global citizen. I believe that there are more similarities among people that can help us understand each other.
    Sharifah says:

    Lovely photo and words. 🙂

  12. sharonstjoan – Poet, writer, and advocate for wildlife, wild lands, and the earth. President, Forest Voices of India - a U.S.-based group which aids charities in India that further education, culture, the well-being of women, children, and animals, and the restoration of sacred groves. websites: https://wordpress.com/view/forestvoicesofindia.com https://wordpress.com/view/echoesinthemist.com https://wordpress.com/view/wildvoices.world book: Glimpses of Kanchi https://www.amazon.com/Glimpses-Kanchi-Sharon-St-Joan/dp/1982901179/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=Glimpses+of+Kanchi&qid=1581769003&sr=8-1
    sharonstjoan says:

    Reblogged this on Voices and Visions.

  13. Dr. Denny Wilkins – Dr. Denny Wilkins professes journalism at a small, private university in the Northeast. He has climbed, hiked, kayaked, photographed, skied, and otherwise meandered aimlessly throughout the American West for decades. He has degrees in geology, environmental studies, and communication — and has tried to make use of them as a co-founder of the progressive cultural blog ScholarsandRogues.com. He’s broadly interested in how the world works and why it works that way. He hates writing, although he does like having written well.
    Dr. Denny says:

    Idyllic and iconic. Very nice.

  14. pucer – Eka Jaya,Kec.Jambi Selatan,Jambi City.Indonesia – Anak pertama dari lima bersaudara.Private English teacher.Hobbies : melihat-lihat,mendengar,membaca,menulis,catur,scrabble.Anak 3 : cowok,cowok,cewek..
    pucer says:

    What can they eat because I don’t see any grass near them ?

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