13 Replies to “Moon Landing”

  1. Liz Terry – GL5 4PU – I love to write, and have had quite a few articles published over the years. I write non-fiction on all sorts of subjects, including my own life and what matters to me. I write a blog, called "My Random Ramblings", which you can access by clicking to view my complete profile and then clicking on the link at the bottom. I also wrote a new blog in 2013 called "The 365 Project - a photo diary in words". Intrigued? Then you need to click to view my complete profile and click on the relevant link at the bottom.
    Liz Terry says:

    Fantastic photo! Like Robotdancing I want to stroke it! And a lovely analogy too.

  2. words4jp – Updated 11.29.22: The bare bones bottom line of who I am is this: I am almost 58 years old, a mom who has two sons - one 27, the other almost 25. Who am I really? I am still contemplating.....always contemplating...........
    words4jp says:

    It does certainly look like the moon. Which then brings my theory into question – the moon may not be made of cheese;)

  3. Freeda Baker Nichols – Freeda Baker Nichols was born in Arkansas, in the foothills of the Ozark Mountains. From her homeplace on Banner Mountain, as a young girl she dreamed of becoming a writer. Her work has appeared in newspapers, magazines and anthologies. She is the author of two children's books, a poetry chapbook, and a novel, "Call of the Cadron." She is working on a second novel and continues to write poetry.
    Freeda Baker Nichols says:


  4. Your photo and Haiku type analogy had my mind working overtime looking for a footprint of the first landing. Great shot

  5. Laurel Leigh – Western Washington – Laurel Leigh, M.F.A., is a writer, teacher, and editor and freelances internationally. She is a co-founder of Dogpatch Writers Collective and author of the blog Dear Writers. She also loves looking at everyone else's gravatars. www.LaurelLeighWriter.com www.DogpatchWritersCollective.com http://DearWriters.com
    Laurel Leigh says:

    I always enjoy your poems so much. Having just walked across frosty grass, this is one of my favorites. Thanks for all the day-brightening poetry.

  6. kcg1974 – My passion is writing. I love to paint pictures with words, find hidden gems behind the the curtain of the alphabet, and not be afraid to let my emotions drift through. My family, children and grand-babies are most important to me. Living with chronic conditions has taught me many life Lessons, all with blessings along the way. Previously, I owned a successful children's publishing company to help educate the peers of children living with chronic conditions and/or special needs. I'm an award winning author, but this is a whole new genre for me. Welcome, I'm really happy you're here!
    kcg1974 says:

    Where was this taken? Great visual.

  7. virginiafair – I am trying to make sense of a world that changes daily. Blackberries,I-phones, I-pads, Bluetooths. No, blueteeth, that sounds better. And there's the rub, you see? For me, it's the words, not the things. Words are to describe moments of our lives, and that's it. That's what I'm all about. Unplugging and taking my time to experience everyday life so I can put it to words
    virginiafair says:

    How apropos. We’re having snow flurries/hail right now in NY.

  8. Son of Sharecroppers – I'm an attorney, but far more important to me than my work are my family and my hobbies: in particular, writing, photography, fishing, and guitar. I'm an amateur at all of these things; indeed, I am an amateur at all things important. But I keep trying to learn.
    Son of Sharecroppers says:

    Very nice! I would never have seen this composition. Thank you for having the vision to see it!

  9. Ana J. – Gurgaon, India – Artist, Writer, and Sivananda Yoga Teacher I create to give meaning to my life. I create to explore and learn all the things I have no knowledge about. I create to be unafraid. I create to seek the unknown. I create because that is what makes me happy.
    Ana J. says:

    love the way you connect images with imagination!

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