22 Replies to “Depth”

  1. maryoconnor12 – Along the Connecticut shoreline – I am a writer, poet, community volunteer, pupil of psychology, writing instructor, guest speaker, artist, lover of nature, curious traveler and author of Life Is Full of Sweet Spots, An Exploration of Joy, as well as Dreams of a Wingless Child, a book of award-winning poetry. An advocate of the power of writing as an agent of change, I enjoy speaking to community groups about the joy of making words sing and conduct creative poetry writing workshops for inmates at the State of Connecticut’s York Correctional Institution. As a writer and a painter, I enjoy living along the Connecticut shore, where I infuse everyday observations of the natural world with the sensitivity and insightfulness that tend to define my experience of life. It is these reflections that have helped me realize that one need not look far to find an element of peace, of celebration, of joy, in this inordinate world of which we are all a part.
    maryoconnor12 says:

    Outstanding…thought and photo!

  2. typewriterpoet – I enjoy many poetry styles but enjoy short poetry the most and a little bit of microfiction, but the challenge of a long poem has it's enjoyment as well!
    typewriterpoet says:

    The color is stunning

  3. Steve Strother – Charlotte, NC – I am a student of life and therefore I am a lifelong learner. I believe we are all here to evolve spiritually and doing so, and helping others do so, is my ultimate quest. I currently write at The Road to Peace about people helping other people because I believe helping others is a path to peace and also spiritual growth. I am currently developing a coaching program to help men connect to joy in life - specifically through understanding the the characteristics they exhibit (and can access) through the four main masculine archetypes as well as through helping them connect more authentically to the feminine - both within themselves, in the world around them, and with women.
    Steve Strother says:


  4. RMW – Culver City, Los Angeles, California, USA – I am an explorer and creative person. I've had many jobs, careers and interests... everything in life and the universe fascinates me. Born in Brighton, England, I've lived my entire adult life in Los Angeles, California. A few years ago I rediscovered photography which is a great excuse to get outside and look. I'm also in the process of re-writing some of my unpublished short stories and possibly a novel. .
    RMW says:


  5. Gretchen Del Rio – Crestline, California, USA – I first discovered the magic of water based colors when many years ago I began to paint with procion dyes on silk. I loved the unexpected quality of the process. It was so exciting to never be sure what the colors and water would combine to produce. It seemed as though the medium had its own passion. Painting with watercolors and paper is much the same. I love the color combinations and separations that occur spontaneously as the color floats on the water. You can never totally predict what effect will result. If you try to control the medium too much, your painting will be very tight losing its aliveness. The artist must be bold and decisive or the work will not be clear and fresh. It is really like a dance. It becomes a controlled folly in knowing when to let go and when to take charge of the direction that the painting is taking. The images that I paint reflect my emotions and are expression of my life experience. They are not extensively planned, but rather evolve as the painting progresses. I am always surprised by the end result since it comes into being because of what the medium and emotion has suggested. The paintings are from my heart and I always fall in love with the subject. I believe that we are all connected and, if an image touches you, it is because we all have the same heart even though our paths may be different. Most of all, painting what I paint makes me happy. The paintings are my own path unfolding. They are an opening door for me and contain my own passion for life.
    Gretchen Del Rio says:

    My favorite color and this shade is very beautiful.

    On Sun, Jun 2, 2013 at 4:25 AM, leaf and twig

  6. suesilver – US – I have been a photographer and writer, especially a poet for a long time. I am blogging and sharing this work of mine for the first time in a blog. I write and am a published poet. I plan to share more, write more and keep traveling. I really love reading the many blogs out here in the blogosphere. I also have been a practitioner of Energy Medicine for years and work in the medical field. I am very excited to be working more in the Energy Medicine field in the near future.
    Suesilver says:

    Your macro photographs of these lovely flowers, their depths of colors and line are really beautiful. Thank you so much.

  7. Janet Holt – Bald Head Island, NC – I am on a journey of discovery. One that involves discovering the world around me and discovering myself. I have found that using a camera is making this process of discovery much more enjoyable. I trust you will enjoy it as well. My passion for all animals knows no bounds, but it is the parrot that has caught my heart! I am now involved in a campaign to help bring parrots in the wild back into their normal existence! The Indonesian Parrot Project is first on my list, and with a little help from our friends we will bring the Abotti Cockatoo back into a full, strong life in their natural habitat.
    janethilton says:

    Simply stunning!

  8. leiflife – I have lived most of my life as a dancer,but I have been daughter, sister, lover, wife, mother and, more recently, grandmother, writer, sculptor, musician, and visual artist. Balancing all these aspects of my life continues to be a challenge. I was born on the Gulf Coast of Mississippi, but have also lived in New Orleans, Texas, Connecticut, Massachusetts, and New York City. My father was the artist and naturalist, Walter Inglis Anderson, and my mother was Agnes Grinstead Anderson, an elementary school teacher and a writer. As a child, I loved to dance naturally, inspired by the trees, birds, wind, and waves that greeted my every day. Eventually, I took lessons and my mother encouraged my dream of becoming a great ballerina. I studied ballet with Lelia Haller in New Orleans, and the atmosphere of competition, and the sense that one could never be good enough, daunted my dreams and exhausted my spirit and body. In 1965, Three things happened to free me from the tyrannical world of ballet and move me further toward the balance my soul craved. I discovered Isadora Duncan, the great revolutionist of modern dance, I gave birth to my daughter, Moira, and my artist father died. From here on I would claim the freedom to explore and express the whole of my life through dancing. I was free to become the many-faceted star I was born to be. Since then I have mothered and performed, loved and written poetry, taught the dance technique I called Airth (after the balancing forces of air and earth). I have shared my life with husband or lover, raised my children and kissed them goodby and hello repeatedly. I have also kissed my students goodby and enjoyed teaching workshops from which I could walk away, glad to relax in the company of various dogs and cats. I have read huge quantities of extraordinary books, making friends with the authors through their engaging characters. I have also written poems, memoirs, children's books, and one novel. I have two published books: DANCING THROUGH AIRTH and DANCING WITH MY FATHER. My brush and ink drawings, sculptures, and paintins dance through the homes of strangers while I make occasional journies to Paris and dance anonymously on Paris Streets. At age sixty-five, one is tempted to settle into complacency, to say "I have done the best I can; so be it. I would rather die.
    leiflife says:

    I am inhaling beauty and sweetness. Thank you…

  9. Lee – Maryland – Photography is my hobby. I own 33 PLANET EARTH groups on Flickr. This blog is not about me, its about the members of the family of PLANET EARTH groups. Administration Team Thanks to all members for being part of the family of PLANET EARTH groups. PLANET EARTH groups are not the largest groups on Flickr but we are some of the best groups. Members on the administration team are all active members and do care about our planet. 29 PLANET EARTH groups please take the time and ck. out what these groups have to offer, thousands of photos and videos by our members. My daughter is part of Administration for PLANET EARTH groups. zieglerb www.flickr.com/photos/zieglerb/ ♥PANKARITA♥ is part of Administration for CHILDREN OUR FUTURE, and PLANET EARTH OUR HOME www.flickr.com/photos/kristel_pankarita/ Any problems or concerns please contact any of us. Your Friend Lee PLANET EARTH groups. www.flickr.com/people/thats_right/ Wordpress: PLANET EARTH NEWSLETTER blog http://planetearthnewsletter.wordpress.com/ copy and paste above link or click on PLANET EARTH NEWSLETTER blog below. This is an active blog so ck. back when you can for future updates. Get fed get the feed.
    Lee says:

    Beautiful flower.

  10. Dr. Denny Wilkins – Dr. Denny Wilkins professes journalism at a small, private university in the Northeast. He has climbed, hiked, kayaked, photographed, skied, and otherwise meandered aimlessly throughout the American West for decades. He has degrees in geology, environmental studies, and communication — and has tried to make use of them as a co-founder of the progressive cultural blog ScholarsandRogues.com. He’s broadly interested in how the world works and why it works that way. He hates writing, although he does like having written well.
    Dr. Denny says:

    This run of flower images — especially “Blues” — is remarkably well crafted. These were a pleasure to see.

  11. sharonstjoan – Poet, writer, and advocate for wildlife, wild lands, and the earth. President, Forest Voices of India - a U.S.-based group which aids charities in India that further education, culture, the well-being of women, children, and animals, and the restoration of sacred groves. websites: https://wordpress.com/view/forestvoicesofindia.com https://wordpress.com/view/echoesinthemist.com https://wordpress.com/view/wildvoices.world book: Glimpses of Kanchi https://www.amazon.com/Glimpses-Kanchi-Sharon-St-Joan/dp/1982901179/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=Glimpses+of+Kanchi&qid=1581769003&sr=8-1
    sharonstjoan says:

    Reblogged this on Voices and Visions.

  12. merrildsmith – I am a historian, writer, and poet. My books have mainly focused on history, sexuality, and gender, and my most recent book is a reference book, Sexual Harassment. My blog is mainly poetry and musings about the world around me.
    merrildsmith says:


  13. maryoconnor12 – Along the Connecticut shoreline – I am a writer, poet, community volunteer, pupil of psychology, writing instructor, guest speaker, artist, lover of nature, curious traveler and author of Life Is Full of Sweet Spots, An Exploration of Joy, as well as Dreams of a Wingless Child, a book of award-winning poetry. An advocate of the power of writing as an agent of change, I enjoy speaking to community groups about the joy of making words sing and conduct creative poetry writing workshops for inmates at the State of Connecticut’s York Correctional Institution. As a writer and a painter, I enjoy living along the Connecticut shore, where I infuse everyday observations of the natural world with the sensitivity and insightfulness that tend to define my experience of life. It is these reflections that have helped me realize that one need not look far to find an element of peace, of celebration, of joy, in this inordinate world of which we are all a part.
    maryoconnor12 says:

    I hope you will accept the following award below. It is offered in appreciation of all your inspiring works. Please keep inspiring all of us!
    Very Inspiring Blogger Award

    1. Mary – thank you so much for the nomination. I’m honored and really appreciate the encouragement. But because I like to keep the look of the blog clean and simple I don’t do “the process” for awards. I just take the kindness to heart. Thanks again. Best, Seedbud

  14. Candy Blackham – London – I love exploring with a camera! Over the past few years my interest in photography has grown and I enjoy sharing what I have seen on the blogsite of www.londontraveller.org Gardens and baking are also passions and share these on two different sites, listed here.
    Candy Blackham says:

    Your photographs are beautiful – I am struggling to photograph plants and flowers and love what you are doing

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