
A meeting of friends in the meadow.
Quaker Bonnets gather
offering their quiet beauty to the whole of the land.

Field of Dreams

Dreams take shape slowly
emerging from soft surroundings
an impression forms, staking claim on hope.


Tarantula of tree roots
dips its many wooden legs into the river
and awaits its kayak prey.


From the sanctuary of the woods animals watch
the metal bridge that carries man and his many parcels and purpose
to the other side and back again.

Country Nine Patch

The land is quilted with care
by leathered hands guiding the blades of the big red tractor.
An old wood fence ties this patch to the next.


Sunlight transforms the creek
into the undulating underbelly
of a speckled trout.


My feet feel an earth drained of her color.
My mind’s eye imagines greens below blue skies.


If I could imagine the threshold to heaven
it would appear as did this dawn
with depth and light beyond mortal comprehension.

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