5 Replies to “Lupin”

  1. jane tims – Canada – Hi. I am a writer and biologist. I am also interested in history and community sustainability. I write mostly poetry. My training is in botany, so I often include plants in my poems. Visit me at www.nichepoetryandprose.wordpress.com
    jane tims says:

    Hi. When you think of the lupins as friends, their various poses take on new meanings. Jane

  2. becky6259 – My daddy married a city girl and put her in the country, and then I married a city boy and he put me in the city...for awhile anyway. We're now living in small-town Mid-Missouri and enjoying the best of both worlds!
    becky6259 says:

    Not familiar with lupins, but a field of them is just beautiful — great photo!

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