
Invited by the sun to the spring fling
the earth wears a blushing peony.


As the earth softens
spring finds hospitality
in the primordial offering of mud.


From the cold, dark earth
emerges the noble daffodil
shouldering its way to the sun.

Leaves Surrender

the first surrender is to color
the second is to be untethered by the wind
and the final surrender is to perish in form and replenish the earth

Slender Thread

We are tied to this earth
with a thread more slender and fragile
than the stem of a birch leaf in autumn.


Betrothed to each other and the earth
fairies place their wedding rings
on flower pillows side by side
during the nuptials.

Ready Field

Tilled earth soaks up the sun
and waits for the seeds
of this season’s purpose to be planted.

Looking Up

Beneath a canopy of green
lie down on the soft welcoming earth
and claim your special place in the world
by being there.


Adorned with angel wings
the color of the sky and ringed with time
the stump slowly returns to its beginning
by nurturing its mother – earth.


Beloved early guest of spring, goddess of the awakened earth.
Twin blossoms of love and protection mark the entrance to fairyland;
inviting you to venture past the invisible gate and into the world of delight.


In April the earth vibrates
with a growing, glowing green
that celebrates each second of aliveness.

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