21 Replies to “Sweets”

  1. Eunice Miller – United States – Retired female trucker Photographer Watercolor Artist Gardener Jewelry maker(beads and glass) Animal Lover Blogger lol but you knew that lol Find me at folsommillstudio.com Folsom Mill Studio on Facebook Please feel free to email me at folsommillstudio@gmail.com if there is an image you would like to buy or an Original Watercolor or print or maybe a card of the painting you enjoyed. https://folsommillstudio.pixels.com/
    nutsfortreasure says:

    OMG how perfect are those word for that PHOTO!!!!

  2. Cathy Ulrich – Fort Collins, CO – I am a creative, first and foremost, and I love writing and photography. As a bodyworker and energy healer, I enjoy sharing my experiences and insights as well as some of my more eclectic and creative adventures here on this blog. Feel free to read more by clicking the "About" link. Welcome!
    Cathy Ulrich says:

    Another masterpiece! I love your pieces, seedbud.

  3. Yummy imagery! You have inspired me to start writing a few words to go with my occasional photos -thank you for being such a oasis of sensitivity and creativity. Lucy

  4. Lori Fontanes – Writer in various media covering food, technology, climate change and the environment. Also: adjunct professor, community advocate and backyard farmer. I believe in democracy.
    Lori Fontanes says:


  5. Great reminder…haven’t thought about penny candies in years…
    and also glad that I miss the frost, having moved to Gods waiting room,

  6. heavenhappens – Welcome to my life. You can share my grown up world here at http://heavenhappens.me where I blog my thoughts, my life, my travels, my photographs and my poetry. Growing up just after the war was a grim experience. So, now that I have 7 grandchildren, I am reclaiming my childhood by seeing the world anew through their eyes. Every minute I spend with them is magical. So this blog is for them ~ Ben, Rosie, Tiffany, Stanley, Thea, Mateo, and the youngest, Olivia! I hope, when they are all grown up, they will enjoy reading it and finding out about their grandma’s life, and know how very happy they made her. I hope you enjoy reading my posts, leave a comment or a link and I will get back to you. I’m sorry to say that my darling husband died of Covid on Good Friday 2020. Since then the wind has gone out of my sails and I’ve hardly written a thing. I will try to pick up my life and start writing again one day. But for now please enjoy exploring my life🕊️
    heavenhappens says:

    winter candy coats – a beautiful thought and a beautiful phrase x wonderful haiku

  7. That was cute – I never thought of a dusting of snow like that. I enjoy how you describe everything. 🙂 Blessings – Patty

  8. A perfect description for this photo.

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