3 Replies to “They Covered It With Flowers”

  1. In the tranquil embrace of the woodland, Nature’s orchestra hums gently, Every leaf, each branch, a melody in perfect accord, And within the deep carvings of the bark, A delicate yarn comes to life, Etched by the minuscule hands of beetles, A raised relief of nature’s masterpiece. They adorned it with blossoms, A fragile embellishment,
    A fleeting splendor, A poignant reminder of life’s transience, Yet amidst the rugged edges and intricate patterns,Resides an ageless grace, A reverent tribute to the trees’ endurance,Standing proud and resilient, Rooted in the earth’s embrace,Yet yearning for the heavens, In their serene grandeur, They urge us to flourish, Even amid harsh circumstances,To discover beauty in unexpected pocketsAnd to welcome the ever-shifting seasons of existence. 🌸

    -Whispers of Woodland Elegance-

    Good morning dear Catherine,
    May this messages find you well. I do hope you are ok with it here and we’re not disturbing you I pray. I’m thank for second chances and grateful of this opportunity to try § articulate my expressions with less confusion, and hopefully more clarity. I draw inspiration from you each day, especially this week has writings. § I really really hope you like your flower. its pink petals reminding me of you and a special bird. As they flutter, they bring to mind the birch tree, a symbol of new beginnings ❄️ 🌙 ✨


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