15 Replies to “While Monarchs Have Departed The Butterfly Bush Blooms On”

  1. Personally_Political – Hi, I am Victoria. As well as being the author of this blog (duh), I have recently finished my degree in PPE at Swansea University. In my free time, I like to read, go on runs and paint (not that I'm much good at any of these). I also love a drink, I love buying new clothes and yes, I spend rather too much time scrolling through TikTok. I have had this blog since before lockdown, and I am amazed at how much it has grown in this time. My purpose was to create posts that I am passionate about and gain experience writing about different topics. As well, it gave me something to do over lockdown. Admittedly, I am much less active on here now compared to in the past. Nevertheless, I hope to continue to create posts here whenever I can. The topics on this blog will vary. Although mainly the blog will cover the more personal and emotional side of politics, social issues and trends that I find interesting enough to write about. Finally, I would love the opportunity to collaborate. Therefore, if share the same interests as me, then please do not hesitate to get in touch! My email is vickyyrose002@gmail.com Likewise, I would love to have the opportunity to write for you, so again, please get in touch :)
    victoriarose002 says:

    This looks beautiful💜

  2. Line Herikstad – India/Norway – I am a freelance writer. I write articles about spirituality, multiculturalism, and psychology. I also publish poems, and photos in various magazines and newspapers.
    Trini Lind says:

    Beautiful!! 💖💖💖

  3. Jaye Marie and Anita Dawes – united kingdom – we are 'silver surfers' and writers of fiction, proving every day that you are never too old to have fun!
    jenanita01 says:

    I have never seen one in such a brilliant blue!

  4. Laura Kate – One of six children, I was raised by a busy mom, who instilled in me a love of fabric. Though I learned to sew and knit at a young age, it was the arrival of my first grandchild that pushed me into action. A long-time knitter, I am now ready to explore all things fiber.
    Laura Kate says:

    Interesting angle, lovely shadows.

  5. Melba Christie at Poemattic – New Jersey – I believe a poem can change your life forever. I know many poems I read as a child made a difference in my life. I learned to believe in me. My senses started living along side me. My appreciation for nature and life increased by one hundred percent. As a result I paint, love photography, and I listen and try to pay attention a little bit more to everything around me. I also became a teacher to honor all those teachers who set me straight about life and learning.
    Melba Christie at Poemattic says:

    Amazing and such a magnificent shot.

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