9 Replies to “Silent Assembly”

  1. Carrie Staples – United States – Author, illustrator of "The Yarn Animal Book", probably the only craft book with instructions for making such unique yarn animals as an orangutan, an ant eater, a llama and a star-nosed mole and "The Single Minded Prince, a fairy tale for all ages about a boy and a pirate captain who both misbehave. The books and a booklet series based on each different yarn craft topic covered in "The Yarn Animal Book" (pompoms and other really easy yarn crafts, knitting, crocheting, rya, needlepoint and embroidery), are available on Amazon and Kindle.
    Carrie Staples says:

    We’re socked in this morning. Can’t see the river. Love the parchment leaves on the beech trees. We see a lot here in the understory. Have you read “A Walk in the Woods” by David M Carroll about where you live?

  2. Carrie Staples – United States – Author, illustrator of "The Yarn Animal Book", probably the only craft book with instructions for making such unique yarn animals as an orangutan, an ant eater, a llama and a star-nosed mole and "The Single Minded Prince, a fairy tale for all ages about a boy and a pirate captain who both misbehave. The books and a booklet series based on each different yarn craft topic covered in "The Yarn Animal Book" (pompoms and other really easy yarn crafts, knitting, crocheting, rya, needlepoint and embroidery), are available on Amazon and Kindle.
    Carrie Staples says:

    I meant “Following the Water” by David M Carroll! Oops…

  3. Wes Allen – Wes got back in to Role Playing Games during the pandemic and it’s blown up into a wonderful mid-life crisis. He runs the DM Tales YouTube channel and website, GMs two campaigns, and plays online in another with some old friends. His “day job” is a Baptist Pastor in Philadelphia’s Jersey suburbs.
    wezlo says:

    Very cool

  4. chelawriter – I thought retirement would give me more time to write, but as with may others, my experience of retirement so far is that it is far busier than my employment years. Two wild fires with evacuations and extensive damage to my home have not helped. Repairs are almost complete, and fingers crossed things will settle down so I can post more often.
    chelawriter says:

    Very Japanese or Zen

  5. Very lightly ethereal and earthy at the same time – the rocks, the fog, the yellow leaves. A crooked trunk and a straight one. I love it.

  6. The Women In Stories – Kolkata, India. – Belonging from the ethereal city of Kolkata,Sayani is a perennial bibliophile,a dancer and occasionally tries to be a singer.She is a student of English Literature,for whom writing is more of a stimulant for her living.She is fond of Fantasy,gothic-fiction to obsessing over young adult fiction. For me,every reader is a friend and a supporter without which my writing is trivial.
    neha98blog says:

    The mist of fog put a veil to my imagination and I am blessed to be in blur.

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