15 Replies to “Fare Thee Well”

  1. Henrietta Watson – Panama City,Florida – Hello my name is 🌈🌈Henrietta Watson🌈🌈. I am a mother of a 33 year old daughter and a 26 year old son. I also have a 8 year old granddaughter and a 6 year old granddaughter.I am Self Employed. I also write short stories, blogs and poems. I like cooking,grilling,fishing,skating,playing billiards,going out to eat and going to see movies.
    Henrietta Watson says:

    Reblogged this on All About Writing and more.

  2. derrickjknight – UK – I am an octogenarian enjoying rambling physically and photographing what I see, and rambling in my head as memories are triggered. I also ramble through a lifetime's photographs. In these later years much rambling is done in a car.
    derrickjknight says:

    A stunning shot

  3. judybarton – Still in love, complicated, almost stupid, interested to recognize herself. "Up to the age of eighteen years old everybody writes poems; after, only two categories of people may continue to do it: poets and idiots." (Benedetto Croce). Obviously I do not consider myself a poet.
    judybarton says:

    Really lovely! I liked a lot your photo, I liked a lot your words. The archaic Fare thee well, in other, reveals to me the meaning of farewell: thank you!

  4. Love the bird as well as the words. He looks so naffed off.

  5. Oh, how I wish it were so, but the rains come and go, in-between the snow, and I keep thinking, when will winter finally go?

    What a long haul it’s been — rain since the beginning of last July, and the only break was snow. The rain keeps tricking me, I keep thinking that winter is over, then more snow, but this time, I do think it may be gone.
    …I hope!

    1. That is one long stretch of a rainy season! It’s feast or famine. As soon as I put the yaktracks away – it snows again. We’ve been known to have snow in May. I hope blue skies, sunshine and spring makes it to your door soon!

  6. camerapacker – Greenville, SC – I have been photographing since 1957. I am a retired pathologist, dedicated photographer, avid audiophile and occasional fisherman. I may comment on all of the above in my blog. My blogs will have photo graphic subjects I am currently experimenting with. I continue to teach photography at Furman University in the OLLI program. My classes include Photoshop skills and photo criticism.
    camerapacker says:

    Nicely done.

  7. Victoria C. Slotto – RN, former hospice nurse, kidney transplant survivor, spiritual seeker, novelist, poet—Victoria C. Slotto is the author of two novels: "Winter is Past" and "The Sin of His Father", a collection of poetry: "Jacaranda Rain," and a Kindle Single: "Beating the Odds--Support for Persons with Early Stage Dementia, " all of which are available in e-book and print formats. Use the link on my blog or visit my website at http://victoriacslotto.com/ to purchase. Thank you!
    Victoria C. Slotto says:

    We get these little guys in the SoCal desert in winter. They make me so happy. Not sure if it’s the same kind of titmouse, though. Coloring a little darker.

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