13 Replies to “Mum”

  1. derrickjknight – UK – I am an octogenarian enjoying rambling physically and photographing what I see, and rambling in my head as memories are triggered. I also ramble through a lifetime's photographs. In these later years much rambling is done in a car.
    derrickjknight says:

    Perfect accompaniment to this shot

  2. sued51 – Welcome visitors! I am an editor and poet who decided to start a blog as one way of keeping myself busy and writing while I was unemployed. I have also been keeping journals for over 35 years (my closet is FULL!). I have many interests, which is why I blog about so many different things. I hope you find some posts here that interest you!
    sued51 says:


  3. whisperer2darkness – ,kerala,India – A doctor by profession, struggling for existence and a fruitful loving relationship....I am humble and kind because I have seen thousands of persons with problems in mind and never seen a single person without a problem....helplessness of human being.I have seen many people who are longing for real love,but never seen one who found it.All are in a kind of search throughout their life........and I am satisfied with my fantasies and realities of my small world,inhabited by genuine people........I am not sitting on a cloud with an enlightened smile on my face all day long. I can be angry, stubborn, impatient, sad, and frustrated as well.I am imperfect. But I know that these characteristics are part of my experience but not part of me. I am profoundly happy as a basic condition of my being. Therefore I don’t deny negative feelings because I know that they will show me something in order to discover a new part of myself......My slogan is "life does not get better by chance but by change.Change yourself!".......... I like to see nature and human beings in a metaphysical way...in reality, in real world, I cant see anything interesting..meaningful..soul filling..other than romance,real genuine relationships..I believe what ever I see is my own mental representations..my world is my own creations..and I am slave of my own belief system.....And trying to add colour to it...by seeking a romantic companion.and..trying to write ekphrastic poems.
    whisperer2darkness says:

    soul filling

  4. Gail – Indiana – Life is full of fascinating moments. Being a good listener can help you see the world through the eyes of others. It not only enriches your understanding, but provides a deeper level of connection. I find that one sentence can tell an intriguing story.
    Snapshotsincursive says:

    Glorious shot. 🌸🌺🌸🌺🌺

  5. The singular title lifts everything many more notches, if that’s possible. (It is, for me.

  6. Kunal Thakore – Bombay – Chose Chemical Engineering for an education, Design and Communication as a profession and now, writing as an avocation (may it take me where it will). Many interests, a few passions, many journeys to make...
    Kunal Thakore says:


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