10 Replies to “Wild Ways”

  1. derrickjknight – UK – I am an octogenarian enjoying rambling physically and photographing what I see, and rambling in my head as memories are triggered. I also ramble through a lifetime's photographs. In these later years much rambling is done in a car.
    derrickjknight says:

    This one warranted enlargement. Can’t read the plaque, though

  2. Yoshiko – Guess where am I? – I'm a housewife. My hobby is listening to music, watching movies and dramas, read Manga, and drawing. I enjoy watching Asian movies and dramas such as Japanese, Hong Kong, and Korean. Inspiration comes through my emotions and when I pursue my hobbies. How I wish my Song Lyrics can become a song. And I wish to learn piano, but I don't have the time as now I have a baby. Now, he is a cute and active four years toddler.
    Yoshiko says:

    It must be a good site for an eagle to visit.

  3. huthuk – h.u.t.h. stands for Helen Up The Hill and u.k. is for United Kingdom. On days when the weather is not conducive to outdoor work in our garden, all of whose several hundred wild plant species I'm trying to record (for a book in due course), or when I don't have enough energy (I have mild ME which I'm managing better than I did a few years ago), I like to be creative with fabrics and threads. I make quilted patchwork items and temari, Japanese embroidered thread balls.
    huthuk says:

    Lovely light.

  4. I do enjoy watching birds go about their lives. It’s always a delight to catch a half-hidden moment, like this one. The balance of bird, rock, and water is appealing.

  5. Morgan – Pennsylvania – Cynthia A. Morgan is an award-winning author; free-lance columnist, blogger, poet and up-and-coming podcaster. Currently working with GoldenNetwork.TV in a project that will make her dystopian fantasy Mercy Series and her young adult fantasy Dark Fey Trilogy available globally via ROKU, Morgan’s captivating tales serve as a backdrop for powerful messages like ‘show thankfulness through kindness and appreciate blessings through generosity’ and ‘the only way to achieve peace is by becoming peace’. . Morgan is also the creator of the popular blogs Booknvolume and Word Mongery and Musings where over 18,000 followers regularly explore Morgan’s own brand of poetry, musings about life, photography, book reviews and more. Upcoming projects include a fictional drama in Regency Period England, a non-fiction exploration of the supernatural/paranormal and beliefs around the world, and a return to the realms of Dark Fey in a mind-bending prequel. . When asked how she feels about writing, Morgan has said: “To write; to paint with words as an artist bedecks his canvas with hues and shades and layers of pigmentation; to sing a melody upon which the gaze may linger and over which the heart may muse again and again: to create visual splendor with grammar and language is the most beguiling form of intoxication in which I could ever take pleasure.” .
    Morgan says:

    Perfect place to perch 🙂

  6. Brenda Davis Harsham – http://friendlyfairytales.com – Author of friendly fairy tales and magical poetry for kids of all ages, illustrated with my original photography and by collaboration with other artists and photographers. Visit me at http://friendlyfairytales.com.
    Brenda Davis Harsham says:

    The first place I’d choose, were I a stone.

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