18 Replies to “Sacred Emily”

  1. Sreejith Nair – Kannur, Kerala – I am from the south indian state of kerala, and now living in Bangalore. My passion is travelling and photography.
    Sreejith Nair says:

    Beautiful 🙂

  2. Miriam – Australia – I’m a wonder lusting woman, a musician, a freelance travel writer and magazine columnist. Utterly passionate about travel and life and turning the ordinary moments into the extraordinary. My motto is “just do it”.
    Miriam says:

    Perfect photo.

  3. JanBeek – Ennis, Montana – With Bob, my dear husband of 62 (& still counting) years, I continue to live a full life. Here in Montana, every day is a learning experience. Every day is a chance to reach out in love! With 8 decades of living under our belts, we’ve learned a thing or two about how to create the “Good Life” in our “Golden Years.” This blog is designed to share some of those tidbits with you. I aim to inspire more love, joy, peace, faith and unity. Hopefully, my blog will will give you a glimpse into how just “Loving One Another” has enhanced my time on earth - and I’ll encourage you to reach out to others with unconditional love, too. A recent blog follower said in her introduction, "My mode of operation is to make the ordinary of everyday extraordinary." I have to borrow that... In fact, borrowing ideas from others is one way to achieve the extraordinary. Feel free to borrow any of mine any time! I'd be honored. To God be the glory!! Welcome Aboard!
    JanBeek says:

    What a beautiful rose! My favorite flower. Thanks for the photo and poem. Starts my day off just right!

  4. twistedsisterweb – La Quinta, CA – I'm thrilled you've found me because I'll bet we're a lot alike is my bet. We both appreciate beautiful jewelry and we want to purchase or make items that make us standout from the crowd. Let's face it, we love getting compliments on our unique tastes. I started making jewelry to accomplish just that but soon became so frustrated because everything looked "me too". This is why I invented The Twisted Sister Technique. This wire wrapping techniques makes an amazing statement piece. I know everyone thinks their designs are unique but in the 5 years I have been designing I have never seen any necklaces that compare to the Twisted Sister. Per so many request, The Twisted Sister Method is available for DIYers in a Beading Kit in tons of colors. I also have a Chanel Inspired Kit available. I now have hundreds of TS customers and I want you to be one too. (Note: Every necklace is a 1 of a Kind!) To thank my loyal customers I created a Twisted Sister Newsletter that is a fashion and jewelry romp! It has been so successful that I wanted to turn it into this blog so it can be shared with other Twisted Sisters. I hope you will enjoy The Twist from a Twisted Sister and please tell your friends. It is so fun! Let's chat soon!…
    twistedsisterweb says:

    So perfect!

  5. nanciec13 – Wisconsin – I am a fabric artist and a professional minister in the Catholic Church. I am married for 40+ years to a most fabulous man. We have 4 adult children, 2 daughter-in-laws ( who we also consider to our children!) and 4 grandbabies. I love to weave, paint silk, sew and design garments for myself; bead, read, write and color. I am also a spiritual Companion/Director and have a special place in my soul for women who are healing and in need of healing from trauma and abuse. I love coffee, quiet reflective prayer time at my kitchen table and long walks to breathe in the Holy Spirit. I would like to learn how to spin yarn and will someday create a spun, hand dyed/painted, beaded, woven fabulous garment of peace!
    nanciec13 says:

    I love the rose–my favorite of flowers!

  6. mylifethroughalens560 – I'm a blogger who is obsessed with photography! I want to give you all an insight into my crazy life by documenting it here. To never miss a post, click the follow button and let me know what you think about my posts in the comments.
    mylifethroughalens560 says:

    My absolute favourite flowers! And this colour is so beautiful

  7. Even an aphid would be but a beauty mark on this flower

  8. cloud2225 – Rocky Mountains – My blog is birthed from a heart of love I started to journal about forty years ago. Just kind of daily thoughts, what the weather was like, special events and so forth. Over time that morphed into Soul Whispers. A gift that has been like a mentor for these many years. They strengthen me, they cradle me, and they lift my eyes to the horizon of possibilities. Whenever my heart was broken open they filled it with light and hope. I decided to start a blog to share parts of the journey that took me through the desert, the wilderness, the valley of tears onward to the precipice of fear, doubt, and poor me. One day I let go and leaped from the precipice and found that rather than plummeting downward I was “falling up”, held in the arms of God. My name is Tammy and I was born one of six siblings, in Burlington, Iowa a town located on the banks of the Mississippi River. My mother died when I was four. Three of my siblings and myself were raised by our grandparents on a farm near Richland, Iowa. We worked hard and we played hard which created our foundation, our character for life. We were blessed. I am a widow. I am the mother of a daughter and two sons. I am a grandmother and great-grandmother. The hard part is we are far removed geographically as I live in the Big Sky Country of Montana. My daughter and family live in Illinois and my two sons live in Colorado.
    cloud2225 says:

    Beautiful and vibrant

  9. Jane Lurie – Hello! Berenice Abbott said, “Photography helps people to see.” It is satisfying when someone looks at one of my images and remarks that they now see something in a new way. I hope that my photographs delight and surprise you.
    Jane Lurie says:

    Beautiful shot and composed.

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