28 Replies to “Behold”

  1. maureenc – south east Queensland – Supposedly retired ,I fit my fabric and fibre fanaticism in with sharing my life with , family and friends and a few other activities My star sign is Cancer;I love being near the ocean and live on the shores of Moreton Bay in SEQ;I enjoy listening to music of many genre,but prefer instrumental to vocal; Reading....I always have a couple of books and magazines on the "go" simultaneously;
    maureenc says:

    Nature is cruel

  2. Frances 🌺 – I love singing, music, knitting, cooking, baking, photography and even poetry! My free time is now spent revisiting old hobbies and exploring as many new leisure and wellbeing opportunities I can fit into my busy life. 😊
    Frances 🌺 says:

    Stunning photo!

  3. harulawordsthatserve – I want my life to be an expression of the very best within me, to be a joy and a service to all those around me AND I'm still exploring how to do that with full integrity. Writing and spending time alone in nature are my greatest soul food and it is that soul which I wish to bring life to - that part of me that has been gifted and inspired by a source beyond my comprehension and yet which I feel very close to at times of need and openess when I can simply be and receive.
    harulawordsthatserve says:

    Really stunning photo!

  4. Lisa Meister – Indiana – Lisa writes about life and how knowing that God is good changes everything she has experienced. Lisa is a wife, mom of 4 amazing kids, homeschooler, sexual abuse survivor, SRA survivor, author, and speaker. She would love you to share with her the adventure of life.
    Lisa Meister says:

    So tragically sad.

  5. Rajiv – I have been around the block a bit. I've lived in four countries, and in many parts of my country. I have been fortunate enough to meet some really good people, and some really lousy ones, all of whom have taught me much. I am passionate about photography, writing, Indian history and continuing on this grand journey towards death.
    Rajiv says:


  6. Miriam – Australia – I’m a wonder lusting woman, a musician, a freelance travel writer and magazine columnist. Utterly passionate about travel and life and turning the ordinary moments into the extraordinary. My motto is “just do it”.
    Miriam says:

    What an amazing capture

  7. inmycorner – This blog began as an opportunity to tell my Dad's stories. I sat with him and the computer and together we told stories. It was a wonderful way to get to know Dad. He was 9. He and Mom had a wonderful life together and since she passed away a year and a half before him - Dad was ready to join her. I no longer tell his stories but have found stories of my own. The impetus to resume this blog was the discovery that I had stage 4 ovarian cancer. Since blogging had been so therapeutic for my dad and I to get through our grief, I felt maybe this would be a good outlet to process my situation. I also hoped it may serve as an outreach to anyone else who is facing this very ominous journey. So far, so good.
    inmycorner says:

    Oh, indeed. The flower that defied nature – whose very own fortitude carried itself through time.

  8. lifestylebygoldie – Originally from New Jersey, I now live in London with my Italian husband Antonio and two children. After many misguided years spent in finance and a well-planned maternity leave, I am ready to move on to different things including the creation of this blog.
    lifestylebygoldie says:

    Gorgeous photo!

  9. I don’t see this as sad or tragic. Snow and ice on flowers is part of life, and often quite beautiful. It can cause damage, of course. But the other side of it is that, here in my world, we’re often counseled to coat plants with ice to save them from freezing temperatures. This is beautiful.

  10. Line Herikstad – India/Norway – I am a freelance writer. I write articles about spirituality, multiculturalism, and psychology. I also publish poems, and photos in various magazines and newspapers.
    Trini Lind says:

    Gorgeous! 💖🌸

  11. Morgan – Pennsylvania – Cynthia A. Morgan is an award-winning author; free-lance columnist, blogger, poet and up-and-coming podcaster. Currently working with GoldenNetwork.TV in a project that will make her dystopian fantasy Mercy Series and her young adult fantasy Dark Fey Trilogy available globally via ROKU, Morgan’s captivating tales serve as a backdrop for powerful messages like ‘show thankfulness through kindness and appreciate blessings through generosity’ and ‘the only way to achieve peace is by becoming peace’. . Morgan is also the creator of the popular blogs Booknvolume and Word Mongery and Musings where over 18,000 followers regularly explore Morgan’s own brand of poetry, musings about life, photography, book reviews and more. Upcoming projects include a fictional drama in Regency Period England, a non-fiction exploration of the supernatural/paranormal and beliefs around the world, and a return to the realms of Dark Fey in a mind-bending prequel. . When asked how she feels about writing, Morgan has said: “To write; to paint with words as an artist bedecks his canvas with hues and shades and layers of pigmentation; to sing a melody upon which the gaze may linger and over which the heart may muse again and again: to create visual splendor with grammar and language is the most beguiling form of intoxication in which I could ever take pleasure.” .
    Morgan says:

    Behold, The Splendour of Your Magnificent words !!

  12. derrickjknight – UK – I am an octogenarian enjoying rambling physically and photographing what I see, and rambling in my head as memories are triggered. I also ramble through a lifetime's photographs. In these later years much rambling is done in a car.
    derrickjknight says:


  13. Victoria Kloch Fine Art – Victoria is a full time abstract painter living in the San Francisco Bay area, USA. She primarily works with watercolors, acrylics and from time to time gold and silver leaf foils. Her work has been collected though out the United States as well internationally.
    Victoria Kloch Fine Art says:


  14. nanciec13 – Wisconsin – I am a fabric artist and a professional minister in the Catholic Church. I am married for 40+ years to a most fabulous man. We have 4 adult children, 2 daughter-in-laws ( who we also consider to our children!) and 4 grandbabies. I love to weave, paint silk, sew and design garments for myself; bead, read, write and color. I am also a spiritual Companion/Director and have a special place in my soul for women who are healing and in need of healing from trauma and abuse. I love coffee, quiet reflective prayer time at my kitchen table and long walks to breathe in the Holy Spirit. I would like to learn how to spin yarn and will someday create a spun, hand dyed/painted, beaded, woven fabulous garment of peace!
    nanciec13 says:

    holy wow!

  15. phantomvogel3 – California USA – A snap happy fool on meager means. If you enjoy the world through my lens then follow me. If I can evoke a feeling within a frozen moment I'd imagine that's an image well done!
    phantomvogel3 says:


  16. letsgetreal2016 – USA – I'm an artist who is entranced by color and light. I also love to paint the contrast between the hard, geometric lines of manmade structures and soft, flowing lines of nature. Check out my online store at http://www.etsy.com/shop/chameleonarts Instagram http://www.instagram.com/roussinjennifer
    letsgetreal2016 says:


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