45 Replies to “Brief Encounter”

  1. Richard Ankers – United Kingdom – Richard M. Ankers is the English author of The Eternals Series and Britannia Unleashed all published by Next Chapter. Richard feels privileged to have had stories and poetry published all over the world. He lives to write. A prolific writer, a constant source of clearing his mind, Richard has created this website to share just some of the many poems and prose he has written that would otherwise have fallen by the wayside. Reading and writing have always been Richard's main love along with the pursuit of keeping fit, running, walking, and anything that provides a spectacular view. Running in the rain with his headphones on whilst dreaming up some future storyline is just about perfect. It would be nicer still if that run was in Switzerland or Norway, but we can't have everything. Oh, and coffee, lots and lots of coffee.
    Richard Ankers says:

    I really like that it’s uplifting 🙂

  2. MyoPaname – About me : What doesn't kill me makes me stronger... About religion : There is something bigger than I am... About politic : I don't know the name, but I know how it has to be...
    MyoPaname says:

    … Because flash colors don’t stay in sky but in our head 😉 … And grey desapear…

  3. derrickjknight – UK – I am an octogenarian enjoying rambling physically and photographing what I see, and rambling in my head as memories are triggered. I also ramble through a lifetime's photographs. In these later years much rambling is done in a car.
    derrickjknight says:

    Good shot

      1. derrickjknight – UK – I am an octogenarian enjoying rambling physically and photographing what I see, and rambling in my head as memories are triggered. I also ramble through a lifetime's photographs. In these later years much rambling is done in a car.
        derrickjknight says:

        I’m sure

  4. journeyintopoetry – Leeds UK – My name is Christine and I have been "flirting" with poetry for about a year now. In March 2011 I was diagnosed with MS and I am now embarking on a process of recovery both physically and emotionally. Recovery is a long, slow and sometimes difficult path, but can also be life changing, as I have already discovered in my recovery from alcoholism. My first task has been acceptance, which some days can be a little shaky as far as the MS goes, but I am getting there. Embracing my condition rather than wrestling with it has been important, but equally I will not allow it to define who I am. I am hoping the poetry will help with this. I know very little about poetry and its various forms etc, but I am reading and learning. So I write my poems as therapy for the MS and also because sometimes it is simply fun to do, especially as I now spend more time at home. This is a big step for me, letting others read my poems. I hope you enjoy them and they make some sense.
    journeyintopoetry says:

    Beautiful, both words and photo. It’s good to feel flushed with hope; I will remember this 😊

  5. Dharmesh – Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh, India – Master's Degree in English Literature from Allahabad University, translated parts of People's Linguistic Survey of India, Gandhi Against Caste, Fracture Tales etc. Articles have appeared in Feminism in India, Critique, Gaylaxy etc. On boarded queer positive /affirmative health service providers as a Safe Access Fellow in Allahabad. An India Fellow currently working in Kutch Mahila Vikas Sangathan, Bhuj.
    Dharmesh says:

    Nice haiku and beautiful picture!

  6. Kunal Thakore – Bombay – Chose Chemical Engineering for an education, Design and Communication as a profession and now, writing as an avocation (may it take me where it will). Many interests, a few passions, many journeys to make...
    Kunal Thakore says:

    Wow! Both are a treat, words & visual, and brilliantly complement each other.

  7. Gretchen Del Rio – Crestline, California, USA – I first discovered the magic of water based colors when many years ago I began to paint with procion dyes on silk. I loved the unexpected quality of the process. It was so exciting to never be sure what the colors and water would combine to produce. It seemed as though the medium had its own passion. Painting with watercolors and paper is much the same. I love the color combinations and separations that occur spontaneously as the color floats on the water. You can never totally predict what effect will result. If you try to control the medium too much, your painting will be very tight losing its aliveness. The artist must be bold and decisive or the work will not be clear and fresh. It is really like a dance. It becomes a controlled folly in knowing when to let go and when to take charge of the direction that the painting is taking. The images that I paint reflect my emotions and are expression of my life experience. They are not extensively planned, but rather evolve as the painting progresses. I am always surprised by the end result since it comes into being because of what the medium and emotion has suggested. The paintings are from my heart and I always fall in love with the subject. I believe that we are all connected and, if an image touches you, it is because we all have the same heart even though our paths may be different. Most of all, painting what I paint makes me happy. The paintings are my own path unfolding. They are an opening door for me and contain my own passion for life.
    Gretchen Del Rio says:


  8. The bright, sunlit cloud in the upper left is an especially nice touch — a reminder that it doesn’t have to be a forced choice between the rainbow and gray. Even the clouds can be bright and beautiful.

  9. LB – I'm a woman who loves spending time on the motorcycle and in, or on, any body of water. I love traveling and reading, baking and cooking, taking way too many pictures, and enjoying my family and friends. Life is an adventure, and I want to remember and express my joy for it! This is a journal for me ... so I'll never forget the good times and to remind me of them on more challenging days.
    LB says:

    I need your attitude! Hopeful even when things look dim. Lovely image!

  10. 2ndhalfolife – In the second (or really third?) half of my life now. Moving into the more crone stage: out of my head, into my soul. My magic is returning after many years of having lost it to the streets of life. There have been some very dark times, but these have made my journey rich with the stuff of possibility. Because out of darkness has come the glittering beauty of illumination. It has come with struggle and toil, and not without help--but I am here, and I am mostly in tact, and I'm here to share the rest of this journey with you all if you care to join me.......
    2ndhalfolife says:

    Ah such a blessing.

  11. squintphotographyart – An educated and experienced interior designer who fell in love with Photography. I shoot what interests me: architecture, cemeteries, amusement parks, urban decay, and all abandoned things.
    squintphotographyart says:

    nice! makes me feel hope-full 🙂

  12. Rene Yoshi – Just a transplanted Okinawan-French Southern girl with a wee bit o' Irish, sharing photography and what I'm learning about spiritual things, including putting off legalism and religious traditions, and embracing God's matchless love, tender mercy, and amazing grace!
    Rene Yoshi says:

    Beautiful, vibrant colors! Encouraging prose!

  13. firefly1275 – Louisiana – V. Rose enjoys creating mystical characters and worlds, with a touch of the modern day world. When she is not writing or thinking up her next story ideas, she is enjoying South Louisiana sunsets.
    firefly1275 says:

    Very beautiful rainbow!

  14. jane tims – Canada – Hi. I am a writer and biologist. I am also interested in history and community sustainability. I write mostly poetry. My training is in botany, so I often include plants in my poems. Visit me at www.nichepoetryandprose.wordpress.com
    jane tims says:

    Rainbows are brief … Look away and they are gone … Nice poem. Jane

  15. Beautiful. And the rainbow, of course, is God’s promise that He will never use a flood to destroy the earth again. A covenant promise. Of course, there are certainly other ways to destroy the earth. Thank you again for brightening my day jlehman1945

  16. crosbyman66 – Crosby – My aim is to create a photo diary of my walks and my travels. I have two main hobbies, walking and photography and these complement each other. I am a senior citizen, what used to be called an old age pensioner, but I don't feel old. Since retirement I have had more time to pursue my hobbies and the opportunity to travel more. My philosophy now is - Do what you can, while you can. My other interests are fine wines and keeping fit. These may not complement each other but keep me happy.
    crosbyman66 says:

    Lovely, you have captured the moment.

  17. camerapacker – Greenville, SC – I have been photographing since 1957. I am a retired pathologist, dedicated photographer, avid audiophile and occasional fisherman. I may comment on all of the above in my blog. My blogs will have photo graphic subjects I am currently experimenting with. I continue to teach photography at Furman University in the OLLI program. My classes include Photoshop skills and photo criticism.
    Anonymous says:

    Very Nice

  18. Dr. Denny Wilkins – Dr. Denny Wilkins professes journalism at a small, private university in the Northeast. He has climbed, hiked, kayaked, photographed, skied, and otherwise meandered aimlessly throughout the American West for decades. He has degrees in geology, environmental studies, and communication — and has tried to make use of them as a co-founder of the progressive cultural blog ScholarsandRogues.com. He’s broadly interested in how the world works and why it works that way. He hates writing, although he does like having written well.
    Dr. Denny Wilkins says:


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