23 Replies to “Sugar House”

  1. maureenc – south east Queensland – Supposedly retired ,I fit my fabric and fibre fanaticism in with sharing my life with , family and friends and a few other activities My star sign is Cancer;I love being near the ocean and live on the shores of Moreton Bay in SEQ;I enjoy listening to music of many genre,but prefer instrumental to vocal; Reading....I always have a couple of books and magazines on the "go" simultaneously;
    maureenc says:

    Is the sap already rising?

  2. E A M Harris – reader – most kinds of fiction and non-fiction, but particularly crime, sf and poetry; writer – poetry and some fiction; gardener – but I don't have green fingers so have to work hard to make things grow.
    E A M Harris says:

    Lovely picture.

  3. Rene Yoshi – Just a transplanted Okinawan-French Southern girl with a wee bit o' Irish, sharing photography and what I'm learning about spiritual things, including putting off legalism and religious traditions, and embracing God's matchless love, tender mercy, and amazing grace!
    Rene Yoshi says:

    Mmmm…. I can almost smell it!

  4. Jo – Växjö, Sweden or thereabouts – An ex-pat (or rather ex-Jo). From Back There and now Over Here.
    Jo says:

    Almost looks Scandinavien.

  5. Do you have to boil up maple syrup? I know nothing about it but my mouth is watering at the thought….

  6. What a delicious photo 😉 I hope that snow gives way to spring soon- Best wishes, WG

  7. No Water No Life – No Water No Life® is an LLC project founded in 2006 to raise awareness of the values and vulnerability of our freshwater resources, plus solutions to their sustainable management. NWNL Director and lead photographer Alison M Jones is Sr Fellow of International League of Conservation Photographers and International League of Conservation Writers, a Fellow of The Explorers Club, and member of North American Nature Photography Assoc., Society of Environmental Journalists, Tewksbury Land Trust Board (NJ), and other related organizations. While NWNL hosts bloggers from all over the world, and especially NextGen student bloggers, their opinions do not necessarily represent the views of NWNL.
    No Water No Life Blog says:

    this looks so peaceful

  8. Gretchen Del Rio – Crestline, California, USA – I first discovered the magic of water based colors when many years ago I began to paint with procion dyes on silk. I loved the unexpected quality of the process. It was so exciting to never be sure what the colors and water would combine to produce. It seemed as though the medium had its own passion. Painting with watercolors and paper is much the same. I love the color combinations and separations that occur spontaneously as the color floats on the water. You can never totally predict what effect will result. If you try to control the medium too much, your painting will be very tight losing its aliveness. The artist must be bold and decisive or the work will not be clear and fresh. It is really like a dance. It becomes a controlled folly in knowing when to let go and when to take charge of the direction that the painting is taking. The images that I paint reflect my emotions and are expression of my life experience. They are not extensively planned, but rather evolve as the painting progresses. I am always surprised by the end result since it comes into being because of what the medium and emotion has suggested. The paintings are from my heart and I always fall in love with the subject. I believe that we are all connected and, if an image touches you, it is because we all have the same heart even though our paths may be different. Most of all, painting what I paint makes me happy. The paintings are my own path unfolding. They are an opening door for me and contain my own passion for life.
    Gretchen Del Rio says:

    I remember it from my childhood.

  9. Cheryl @ Artzzle – Minnesota – I'm a former realtor turned professional stylist - stager, with a college major in art and design. I help people make their homes special places, no matter the size of their budgets or spaces. Arrangement and color, accessories and art, all play a very important part. I design with my clients' tastes in mind, not my own. It's your home and should look like you :) My website, Artzzle shares easy, economical decor and craft ideas, information and projects.
    Cheryl @ Artzzle says:

    A sweet reminder of the coming of Spring.

  10. kimkiminy – Hubby & I live in the mountains an hour east of San Diego at about 4,600 feet. We try to stay as far away from civilization as possible.
    kimkiminy says:


  11. wildsherkin – Sherkin Island, Co Cork, Ireland – I like to make things, and I don't always have time and space to do that. Sherkin Island is a tiny island off the south west coast of Cork. It's one of the Carbery One Hundred Isles in Roaring Water Bay, just a ten minute ferry ride from Baltimore in West Cork yet a million miles away from my day job.
    wildsherkin says:

    Hoping all of that lovely syrup inspires a thaw for you soon. 😊

  12. heavenhappens – Welcome to my life. You can share my grown up world here at http://heavenhappens.me where I blog my thoughts, my life, my travels, my photographs and my poetry. Growing up just after the war was a grim experience. So, now that I have 7 grandchildren, I am reclaiming my childhood by seeing the world anew through their eyes. Every minute I spend with them is magical. So this blog is for them ~ Ben, Rosie, Tiffany, Stanley, Thea, Mateo, and the youngest, Olivia! I hope, when they are all grown up, they will enjoy reading it and finding out about their grandma’s life, and know how very happy they made her. I hope you enjoy reading my posts, leave a comment or a link and I will get back to you. I’m sorry to say that my darling husband died of Covid on Good Friday 2020. Since then the wind has gone out of my sails and I’ve hardly written a thing. I will try to pick up my life and start writing again one day. But for now please enjoy exploring my life🕊️
    heavenhappens says:

    My daughter who lives in Vermont sent me a photo of the maple syrup being tapped from the trees outside her barn. Nature is wonderful isn’t it. I love your haiku x

  13. Lee – Maryland – Photography is my hobby. I own 33 PLANET EARTH groups on Flickr. This blog is not about me, its about the members of the family of PLANET EARTH groups. Administration Team Thanks to all members for being part of the family of PLANET EARTH groups. PLANET EARTH groups are not the largest groups on Flickr but we are some of the best groups. Members on the administration team are all active members and do care about our planet. 29 PLANET EARTH groups please take the time and ck. out what these groups have to offer, thousands of photos and videos by our members. My daughter is part of Administration for PLANET EARTH groups. zieglerb www.flickr.com/photos/zieglerb/ ♥PANKARITA♥ is part of Administration for CHILDREN OUR FUTURE, and PLANET EARTH OUR HOME www.flickr.com/photos/kristel_pankarita/ Any problems or concerns please contact any of us. Your Friend Lee PLANET EARTH groups. www.flickr.com/people/thats_right/ Wordpress: PLANET EARTH NEWSLETTER blog http://planetearthnewsletter.wordpress.com/ copy and paste above link or click on PLANET EARTH NEWSLETTER blog below. This is an active blog so ck. back when you can for future updates. Get fed get the feed.
    Lee says:

    Love the smoke stack, very nice.

  14. firefly1275 – Louisiana – V. Rose enjoys creating mystical characters and worlds, with a touch of the modern day world. When she is not writing or thinking up her next story ideas, she is enjoying South Louisiana sunsets.
    firefly1275 says:

    Very Beautiful.

  15. Kathleen Marshall – Wisconsin, USA – Crypto writer, herbalist, Reiki master teacher, freelance write/editor, homesteader, lover of all things outdoors.
    Kathleen Marshall says:

    I am toying with the idea of tapping my trees this year. Just to try it once.

  16. 2ndhalfolife – In the second (or really third?) half of my life now. Moving into the more crone stage: out of my head, into my soul. My magic is returning after many years of having lost it to the streets of life. There have been some very dark times, but these have made my journey rich with the stuff of possibility. Because out of darkness has come the glittering beauty of illumination. It has come with struggle and toil, and not without help--but I am here, and I am mostly in tact, and I'm here to share the rest of this journey with you all if you care to join me.......
    2ndhalfolife says:

    Late this year!

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