62 Replies to “Spirit Guide”

  1. Melissa Shaw-Smith – I hope I will always be as endlessly curious about the natural worlds as the 7 year-old me in that goofy picture. Writing is a solitary business, this blog is my way of making it count.
    writeejit says:

    Absolutely gorgeous. What a beautiful image to open my computer to this morning. Thanks!

  2. maryoconnor12 – Along the Connecticut shoreline – I am a writer, poet, community volunteer, pupil of psychology, writing instructor, guest speaker, artist, lover of nature, curious traveler and author of Life Is Full of Sweet Spots, An Exploration of Joy, as well as Dreams of a Wingless Child, a book of award-winning poetry. An advocate of the power of writing as an agent of change, I enjoy speaking to community groups about the joy of making words sing and conduct creative poetry writing workshops for inmates at the State of Connecticut’s York Correctional Institution. As a writer and a painter, I enjoy living along the Connecticut shore, where I infuse everyday observations of the natural world with the sensitivity and insightfulness that tend to define my experience of life. It is these reflections that have helped me realize that one need not look far to find an element of peace, of celebration, of joy, in this inordinate world of which we are all a part.
    maryoconnor12 says:

    Love it! Thanks!

  3. maureenc – south east Queensland – Supposedly retired ,I fit my fabric and fibre fanaticism in with sharing my life with , family and friends and a few other activities My star sign is Cancer;I love being near the ocean and live on the shores of Moreton Bay in SEQ;I enjoy listening to music of many genre,but prefer instrumental to vocal; Reading....I always have a couple of books and magazines on the "go" simultaneously;
    maureenc says:

    Haiku format plus exceptionally beautiful scene. Magnificent!

  4. Dalo 2013 – Hong Kong / Hangzhou / Seattle – Built up a textile business in Hong Kong, and have expanded into freelance writing and photography. Permanent resident of Hong Kong, but my heart is in the Pacific Northwest of the USA.
    dalo2013 says:

    Beautiful shot…peaceful and serene just as your words describe.

  5. Kmsraj51 – New Delhi – I am a Spiritual Leader Cum Spiritual Author. I am also a Cool Mind Motivational Speaker.... Thank`s & Regard`s Krishna Mohan Singh Spiritual Author Positive Thinker Cum Motivator Founder & CEO Of http://kmsraj51.com/ Sr.Administrator (IT-Software, Hardware & Networking) ID: kmsraj51@hotmail.com My First Spiritual book “Complete Purity”
    kmsraj51 says:
  6. Gretchen Del Rio – Crestline, California, USA – I first discovered the magic of water based colors when many years ago I began to paint with procion dyes on silk. I loved the unexpected quality of the process. It was so exciting to never be sure what the colors and water would combine to produce. It seemed as though the medium had its own passion. Painting with watercolors and paper is much the same. I love the color combinations and separations that occur spontaneously as the color floats on the water. You can never totally predict what effect will result. If you try to control the medium too much, your painting will be very tight losing its aliveness. The artist must be bold and decisive or the work will not be clear and fresh. It is really like a dance. It becomes a controlled folly in knowing when to let go and when to take charge of the direction that the painting is taking. The images that I paint reflect my emotions and are expression of my life experience. They are not extensively planned, but rather evolve as the painting progresses. I am always surprised by the end result since it comes into being because of what the medium and emotion has suggested. The paintings are from my heart and I always fall in love with the subject. I believe that we are all connected and, if an image touches you, it is because we all have the same heart even though our paths may be different. Most of all, painting what I paint makes me happy. The paintings are my own path unfolding. They are an opening door for me and contain my own passion for life.
    Gretchen Del Rio says:

    Very beautiful and serene.

  7. atkokosplace – I am the unplanned child to a woman so strong. A sister to brothers. A dreamer. A writer. Ninja in the dark. Star shaped in a very square world. Teacher to eager ears. My learning desire is quenchless. On the outside looking in. Not interested in the fake. Wizard when I can find my wand. Fascinated by fireflies. Fighter of underdogs. Small, but mighty. Believer in superheros. Ecstatic to be different. Provider of nourishing meals, sassy when needed, quirky at best. Epic concoction maker. Boredom doesn't exist.
    atkokosplace says:

    Thank you for sharing. It’s such a peaceful image.

  8. Breathtaking. Herons were my mother’s favourite bird, and one flew over the hospice the day she died. I took it as a good omen. “Spirit Guide”, indeed. Thank you 🙂

  9. Susan Feniak – Salmon Arm – I am an artist. I live with my husband on the shore of Shuswap Lake in British Columbia Canada. If my art makes you smile then I have succeeded in my quest to make this world a happier, brighter place.
    sefeniak says:

    Beautiful image!

  10. chun2024 – I love nature. And I like taking the photograph of a natural object, without damaging in it. I show such a photograph. Me encanta la naturaleza. Y me gusta tomar fotos de objetos naturales sin dañarlo. Voy a mostrar las fotos y tal.
    chun2013 says:

    Very nice!!

  11. pdjpix – Sydney, Australia – I am an amateur photographer. I have been very lucky to have travelled through Europe on quite a few trips. I am happy to share my favourite pix. I enjoy art, good coffee, cool cafes, football, industrial design and quirky stuff. I believe that the new school has a lot to learn from the old school.
    pdjpix says:

    Great light and imagination… and heron. regards Peet

  12. Cynthia Guenther Richardson – Pacific NW – Hello fellow readers and bloggers, Writing has always been a powerful connector to diverse ideas and people. We each are a meaningful part of this beautiful, ever-widening web of life. Blogging enables more interaction, which I love even after 11 years of blogging posts on three different sites. For thirty years I was an addictions/mental health counselor and also a manager of home care services for elderly folks. Now that I have hit 70 and am more devoted to a creative life! I've published online or in literary journals/collections several times, including fiction and creative non-fiction pieces and poetry over five decades. Additionally, I was nominated for a Pushcart Prize for an excerpt of my novel-in-progress, Other than Words (the work gathering dust at present), about a mute dancer and her impact on her adopted community and a world-travelling photojournalist. I also am working on a connected set of stories about a close-knit town in northern Michigan. On Wordpress I enjoy writing about living richly despite (or because of) life's setbacks and a diagnosis of heart disease at age 51. Posts tagged "memoir" share spiritual adventures, interactions with nature, the healing of trauma's impact and challenges of writing full-time. Short stories and creative nonfiction, and poetry are favorite genres but I enjoy sharing my photography as well My hope is my offerings reflect a profound faith in God and our humanness which cloaks spiritual natures. I include myself as part of the diverse group of writers who discover and share the illuminating, positive experiences amid life's uncertainties and hardships. Let me hear from you when you visit--I appreciate your comments a great deal. Blessings and regards, Cynthia
    Cynthia Guenther Richardson says:


  13. Cynthia Guenther Richardson – Pacific NW – Hello fellow readers and bloggers, Writing has always been a powerful connector to diverse ideas and people. We each are a meaningful part of this beautiful, ever-widening web of life. Blogging enables more interaction, which I love even after 11 years of blogging posts on three different sites. For thirty years I was an addictions/mental health counselor and also a manager of home care services for elderly folks. Now that I have hit 70 and am more devoted to a creative life! I've published online or in literary journals/collections several times, including fiction and creative non-fiction pieces and poetry over five decades. Additionally, I was nominated for a Pushcart Prize for an excerpt of my novel-in-progress, Other than Words (the work gathering dust at present), about a mute dancer and her impact on her adopted community and a world-travelling photojournalist. I also am working on a connected set of stories about a close-knit town in northern Michigan. On Wordpress I enjoy writing about living richly despite (or because of) life's setbacks and a diagnosis of heart disease at age 51. Posts tagged "memoir" share spiritual adventures, interactions with nature, the healing of trauma's impact and challenges of writing full-time. Short stories and creative nonfiction, and poetry are favorite genres but I enjoy sharing my photography as well My hope is my offerings reflect a profound faith in God and our humanness which cloaks spiritual natures. I include myself as part of the diverse group of writers who discover and share the illuminating, positive experiences amid life's uncertainties and hardships. Let me hear from you when you visit--I appreciate your comments a great deal. Blessings and regards, Cynthia
    Cynthia Guenther Richardson says:

    Did I ever ask you if I could use any of your photos for a prompt for my wiring on Tales for Life? If so, I would fully attribute to you, Leaf and Twig, (of course), and add a link to your blog. If not, I understand- just thought to ask.

    1. Cynthia, I’m honored you’d like to use them as a writing prompt. And of course I appreciate the credit and link. I’ll be interested to see what the images generate. Best, Seedbud.

      1. Cynthia Guenther Richardson – Pacific NW – Hello fellow readers and bloggers, Writing has always been a powerful connector to diverse ideas and people. We each are a meaningful part of this beautiful, ever-widening web of life. Blogging enables more interaction, which I love even after 11 years of blogging posts on three different sites. For thirty years I was an addictions/mental health counselor and also a manager of home care services for elderly folks. Now that I have hit 70 and am more devoted to a creative life! I've published online or in literary journals/collections several times, including fiction and creative non-fiction pieces and poetry over five decades. Additionally, I was nominated for a Pushcart Prize for an excerpt of my novel-in-progress, Other than Words (the work gathering dust at present), about a mute dancer and her impact on her adopted community and a world-travelling photojournalist. I also am working on a connected set of stories about a close-knit town in northern Michigan. On Wordpress I enjoy writing about living richly despite (or because of) life's setbacks and a diagnosis of heart disease at age 51. Posts tagged "memoir" share spiritual adventures, interactions with nature, the healing of trauma's impact and challenges of writing full-time. Short stories and creative nonfiction, and poetry are favorite genres but I enjoy sharing my photography as well My hope is my offerings reflect a profound faith in God and our humanness which cloaks spiritual natures. I include myself as part of the diverse group of writers who discover and share the illuminating, positive experiences amid life's uncertainties and hardships. Let me hear from you when you visit--I appreciate your comments a great deal. Blessings and regards, Cynthia
        Cynthia Guenther Richardson says:

        So kind! Really, I am appreciative. A great photo always immediately brings me a story. I like that yours have a wealth of nature beings, so few persons (if any at all)…

  14. whitefeatherfloating – When I began this blog I was simply going to share my writing. However, after being part of the blogging world for quite some time now, I decided to begin sharing my artwork. Patsy's Creative Corner will always have my artwork. Thanks for visiting! :)
    whitefeatherfloating says:

    Awesome photo and thoughts! It would make a beautiful painting!! 😉

    1. Hi, sorry to take so long to reply. And thank you so much for inquiring. My goal for winter is to update the blog so there is a photo order page. I will be offering giclee prints in a variety of sizes matted or unmatted. Best, Seedbud.

  15. Lisa Guidarini – Chicago, IL – Freelance book reviewer/writer/editor. New York Journal of Books, Chicago Tribune. Primary blog: https://bluestalkingjournal.com
    Lisa says:

    Truly lovely composition!

  16. John – I'm a Nature, Wildlife and Floral Photographer in Eastern North Carolina USA. Most of my shots are taken here on the farm where I live.
    John says:

    Marvelous Capture. Wonderful Read.

  17. stockdalewolfe – Ellen Stockdale Wolfe worked her way through school, earning a BA from Barnard College, an MA in Special Education at Teachers College, Columbia University, an MLS in Library Science at Columbia University. She worked with autistic children in college and in graduate school. Ellen has Asperger's Syndrome and Bipolar Disorder herself and has written about her experiences of both and of learning to love. She took courses in fiction and non-fiction writing at the School of General Studies at Columbia. Ellen was able to work for 30 years as a cataloguer, specializing in her college major and minor, art history and psychology, at Teachers College, Columbia University, Butler Library, Columbia University, the Frick Museum and the New-York Historical Society. In 2000 she left libraries to become a Reiki Master and pursue her early interests in photography, painting, and writing. Her art work can be viewed on her web page: StockdaleWolfe.artistswebsites.com Her book about her experience of Asperger's and Bipolar Disorder can be found at: www.independentauthornetwork.com/ellen-stockdale-wolfe.html OTHER PUBLICATIONS Fear of Fusion, the featured article and focus of Psychoanalytic Inquiry, vol. 13, no. 3, 1993 A nature column in the Millbrook Register Herald with the byline, Under the Black Birch from 2005-2010
    stockdalewolfe says:

    Love this– beautiful heron!

  18. ronlidgard – Lancashire – Hello! My name is Ron Lidgard. I am retired and have been painting, mostly watercolour, but also water-soluble pencil and acrylic for a good number of years and I think it is time to see if my experience can help someone else to have as much pleasure as I have.
    ronlidgard says:

    WOW!!! The atmosphere is phenomenal!!

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