65 Replies to “Flurry”

  1. jacscottstudio – Hello! I am a visual artist focusing on issue-based work that investigates the environmental issues behind fractured realities. Exploring the enigma of our existence, revealed in our ways of being, our relationship with our environs and the marks we leave behind is my preoccupation. My predilection for collaborations with scientists and geographers has led to an informed body of work that reflects a world without a sense of equilibrium. The work aims to have an oblique potency that acknowledges the world’s dark underbelly, whilst acting as a catalyst for igniting debate. I am an innate researcher who has not lost the infantile curiosity and wonder about the world - the questions and answers are in flux - I appreciate other people's viewpoints so please comment on posts that interest you - I am always happy to hear constructive criticism about my artworks and hear more information about and/or debate issues I raise. Both as metaphor and in material selection, my artistic responses focus on brooding degradation: peeling layers inviting a meditation on the narrative exposed. I try not to create more stuff – our world is already over-stuffed – so I reuse and transform objects whenever possible to satisfy my environmental conscience. This blog was initially started to complement my residency at University of Central Lancashire in Britain where I was working with scientists in the School of Built and Natural Environment examining the hidden impacts of our way of life. The residency has now ended but due to the public response I aim to continue it as long as people are interested in my art practice. Thank you for taking the time to visit my blog. Visit www.jacscott.com for more information about my contemporary practice.
    jacscottstudio says:

    We have sleet here in Cumbria in Uk – very cold for Spring. The little bulbs are keen to emerge and reveal their glory but with more snow forecast I think we will soon be sharing your weather.
    A lovely set of photographs.

  2. Anne Casey – Sydney, Australia – Originally from the west of Ireland, Anne Casey is a writer living in Sydney. Over a 25-year award-winning professional career, she has worked as a business journalist, magazine editor, corporate and government communications director, author and editor. She is currently Co-Editor of Swinburne University's two literary journals, Other Terrain and Backstory based in Melbourne, Australia. Anne's debut poetry collection, 'where the lost things go', was published by Salmon Poetry in July 2017. She won the 2017 Glen Phillips Novice Writer Award, and was short-listed for the Cúirt International New Writing Poetry Prize and Eyewear Books Poetry Prize in 2017, as well as the Bangor Annual Poetry Competition in 2016.   Anne’s writing and poetry rank as most-read pieces in Ireland’s leading national daily newspaper, The Irish Times. Her poems have been published internationally in The Irish Times, apt journal, Backstory Journal (Swinburne University), Into The Void Magazine, The Murmur House, The Incubator, ROPES Literary Journal (25th edition), Other Terrain Journal (Swinburne University), What She Knew (Papaya Press, UK), Tales from the Forest, Dodging the Rain, Luminous Echoes: A Poetry Anthology, Deep Water Literary Journal, The Blue Nib, The Remembered Arts Journal, Thank You for Swallowing and Visual Verse: An Anthology of Art and Words, among others.   Anne believes that every poem – like all art – should leave us changed by the experience. She holds a Law degree and qualifications in Communications.  Further information: anne-casey.com. Twitter: @1annecasey
    1annecasey says:

    Your image and words are divine, as always. : ))xx

  3. Our cedar trees send a flurry of pollen which gives me a flurry of cedar fever. 🙁

  4. EightLeggedGemini – England – i love writing until i pick up a pen or keyboard, then i hate it. but over the years i've slowly scribbled my thoughts on receipts, bills, anything at hand; just to make these insistent thoughts go away.
    apatheticpoet says:

    a few wild Snowdrops are growing on my neighbours garden, the lukky git 🙂

  5. as I so often do when scanning my reader, I stopped, transfixed by your post… is there anything stronger than LIKE I can say here?

  6. Kat at travelgardeneat – Life sometimes gets so busy, we forget to stop and smell the roses. Travel.Garden.Eat is a reminder to slow down and enjoy the things that make good memories and replenish the soul!
    Kat at travelgardeneat says:

    So appropriate given our snowy Minnesota landscape with single digit temps this first Spring morning!

  7. maryoconnor12 – Along the Connecticut shoreline – I am a writer, poet, community volunteer, pupil of psychology, writing instructor, guest speaker, artist, lover of nature, curious traveler and author of Life Is Full of Sweet Spots, An Exploration of Joy, as well as Dreams of a Wingless Child, a book of award-winning poetry. An advocate of the power of writing as an agent of change, I enjoy speaking to community groups about the joy of making words sing and conduct creative poetry writing workshops for inmates at the State of Connecticut’s York Correctional Institution. As a writer and a painter, I enjoy living along the Connecticut shore, where I infuse everyday observations of the natural world with the sensitivity and insightfulness that tend to define my experience of life. It is these reflections that have helped me realize that one need not look far to find an element of peace, of celebration, of joy, in this inordinate world of which we are all a part.
    maryoconnor12 says:


  8. pishnguyen – I love photography, writing, anime, my family, and my dogs. And I seem to spend a LOT of time chasing my muses around in circles.
    pishnguyen says:

    So very beautiful!

  9. Beautiful image in words and picture. Flowers are so much warmer!

  10. liliesandleaves – I love the True and Living God, all He is, says, and does, and all He created, and I want to share that with the whole, wide world. Behind every THING there is a THOUGHT, and when we discover that thought, we learn something of God.
    liliesandleaves says:

    Very beautiful. I enjoy your blog so much.

  11. This is outstanding. The jpg and two simple lines of poetry speak tomes. Sorry to gush but every now and then a piece just reaches out and grabs you. This one did me. Dave

  12. Pam – Illinois – All my life, I've been drawn to nature. It's been my solace, my retreat, and my spiritual advisor. From it, I have developed a body of work as a visual artist and writer, found friends, and learned about God at work in the world. Animals, fireflies, cedar trees, seedpods, hawks - these things have a language that fills me with joy and peace. I'm hoping to share that love with you through my own photographs, and poetry. They are gifts given to me, and I pass them on to you. I hope you find something in them that speaks to you.
    Pam says:

    this is so lovely

  13. Tina Schell – I am passionate about photography, love traveling and exploring new places and faces, and seeing the world from different perspectives. My lens is always on the lookout for something beautiful or interesting.
    Tina Schell says:


  14. Melanee – Colorado – I am currently a stay-at-home mom to a really cool kid. I feel fortunate that I had time to get my Master's Degree and have a career as a Speech-Language Pathologist and editor prior to becoming a mother. I enjoy photography, design, volunteering, writing, and having adventures outdoors. I started this blog to document the little things in life that make me smile, most of which are captured and preserved with me behind a lens.
    Melanee says:

    Thank you for stopping by my blog and liking my post on Spring. Love the simplicity of the beautiful photo paired with the beautiful words.

  15. sharonstjoan – Poet, writer, and advocate for wildlife, wild lands, and the earth. President, Forest Voices of India - a U.S.-based group which aids charities in India that further education, culture, the well-being of women, children, and animals, and the restoration of sacred groves. websites: https://wordpress.com/view/forestvoicesofindia.com https://wordpress.com/view/echoesinthemist.com https://wordpress.com/view/wildvoices.world book: Glimpses of Kanchi https://www.amazon.com/Glimpses-Kanchi-Sharon-St-Joan/dp/1982901179/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=Glimpses+of+Kanchi&qid=1581769003&sr=8-1
    sharonstjoan says:

    Reblogged this on Voices and Visions.

  16. typewriterpoet – I enjoy many poetry styles but enjoy short poetry the most and a little bit of microfiction, but the challenge of a long poem has it's enjoyment as well!
    typewriterpoet says:


  17. Cynthia Guenther Richardson – Pacific NW – Hello fellow readers and bloggers, Writing has always been a powerful connector to diverse ideas and people. We each are a meaningful part of this beautiful, ever-widening web of life. Blogging enables more interaction, which I love even after 11 years of blogging posts on three different sites. For thirty years I was an addictions/mental health counselor and also a manager of home care services for elderly folks. Now that I have hit 70 and am more devoted to a creative life! I've published online or in literary journals/collections several times, including fiction and creative non-fiction pieces and poetry over five decades. Additionally, I was nominated for a Pushcart Prize for an excerpt of my novel-in-progress, Other than Words (the work gathering dust at present), about a mute dancer and her impact on her adopted community and a world-travelling photojournalist. I also am working on a connected set of stories about a close-knit town in northern Michigan. On Wordpress I enjoy writing about living richly despite (or because of) life's setbacks and a diagnosis of heart disease at age 51. Posts tagged "memoir" share spiritual adventures, interactions with nature, the healing of trauma's impact and challenges of writing full-time. Short stories and creative nonfiction, and poetry are favorite genres but I enjoy sharing my photography as well My hope is my offerings reflect a profound faith in God and our humanness which cloaks spiritual natures. I include myself as part of the diverse group of writers who discover and share the illuminating, positive experiences amid life's uncertainties and hardships. Let me hear from you when you visit--I appreciate your comments a great deal. Blessings and regards, Cynthia
    Cynthia Guenther Richardson says:

    Always lovely–but this one, more so than usual.

  18. i feel like you must live here in the northeast, yrou photos are so often a beautiful rendition of what is happening outside my window, but you seem to see it better than I do!

  19. Katie Boehnlein – Portland, OR – Hello! My name is Katie Boehnlein (pronounced “Bane-line”). I am a teacher and writer who is lucky enough to live in Ashland, Oregon where I am a constant explorer of both the urban and Natural. The writing you'll see on my blog "In the Midst" (www.kboehnlein.wordpress.com) is often inspired by what I experience “in the midst of life” : nature, birds, cities, cycling, travel, the change in seasons, and the occasional public transit musing. Join me in my adventures here!
    kboehnlein says:

    What a beautiful idea!

    On Wed, Mar 20, 2013 at 3:35 AM, leaf and twig

  20. Rene Yoshi – Just a transplanted Okinawan-French Southern girl with a wee bit o' Irish, sharing photography and what I'm learning about spiritual things, including putting off legalism and religious traditions, and embracing God's matchless love, tender mercy, and amazing grace!
    Rene Yoshi says:

    Beautiful!! I love the imagery of snow ‘flowers’.

  21. K.C. Wise – Former teacher. Mother of 2 baby boys. African American and married to a wonderful All-American White Boy. Politically attentive. Feminist in world view. Fierce in conviction.
    K.C. Wise says:

    Reblogged this on Black. Bunched. Mass. Mom. and commented:
    Sharing this because the picture is beautiful and so is the sentiment.
    Perfect little poem. I

  22. Please send your weather my way! It is too hot here and I would love to have a bit of what you see out your window!

  23. Gretchen Del Rio – Crestline, California, USA – I first discovered the magic of water based colors when many years ago I began to paint with procion dyes on silk. I loved the unexpected quality of the process. It was so exciting to never be sure what the colors and water would combine to produce. It seemed as though the medium had its own passion. Painting with watercolors and paper is much the same. I love the color combinations and separations that occur spontaneously as the color floats on the water. You can never totally predict what effect will result. If you try to control the medium too much, your painting will be very tight losing its aliveness. The artist must be bold and decisive or the work will not be clear and fresh. It is really like a dance. It becomes a controlled folly in knowing when to let go and when to take charge of the direction that the painting is taking. The images that I paint reflect my emotions and are expression of my life experience. They are not extensively planned, but rather evolve as the painting progresses. I am always surprised by the end result since it comes into being because of what the medium and emotion has suggested. The paintings are from my heart and I always fall in love with the subject. I believe that we are all connected and, if an image touches you, it is because we all have the same heart even though our paths may be different. Most of all, painting what I paint makes me happy. The paintings are my own path unfolding. They are an opening door for me and contain my own passion for life.
    Gretchen Del Rio says:

    Everything gets easier in spring

  24. It is a pleasure to visit your blog. This photo and words was my favorite this time.

  25. Inside the Mind of Isadora – Intriguing, sensitive, mysterious, loving, artistic and crackling with excitement for life is a pretty good description of who I am. I just retired from the world of art where I sold my Artfully Designed Handmade Jewelry for 28 years; although, art will always be a part of who I am no matter what venue I choose to express it in.
    Inside the Mind of Isadora says:

    delicate …

  26. Very nice – I really like how you worded that.

  27. Jennifer DiCarlo – Brooklyn, NY – Jennifer DiCarlo was born in 1988 in Erie, Pennsylvania. Currently she is pursuing a BFA in Fine Art and a BA in Psychology at The New School (Parsons and Eugene Lang divisions) located in New York, NY. She has studied printmaking with Paul Marcus at Parsons. She interned for Harlan & Weaver where she worked on Louise Bourgeois' piece, 24-hour Clock. Jennifer was an assistant curator for the “BFA & MFA Couplings” show at Parsons 25 East 13th Gallery in 2009. She lives in Brooklyn, NY.
    Jennifer DiCarlo says:


  28. Marc Latham – This site was created to write and present Folding Mirror poetry; a form I created inspired by the haiku structure in 2007. I've been using it for more general blog writing since 2016, when I finished a decade of creative writing. Over the last couple of years its main focus has been the mistYmuse (Most Ideal Sunrise Time – Midwinter Until Spring Equinox) online winter festival from November 21st to March 21st.
    Folding Mirror Poetry says:

    Nice photo, words and imagination.

    Aerosmith’s ‘Dream On’ just came on, which matches too…

  29. slurryart – USA – A place to post art for family, friends and everyone else who would like to see it. Constructive feedback is always welcome. If you post art of any kind, please leave a link; I'd love to see your work. Thanks
    slurryart says:

    I love this, especially. You have a delightful blog here, I’m enjoying every minute. When I see your photos and read your captions, I feel the uncontrollable urge to paint something; Thanks for the inspiration. I look forward to seeing more of your work.

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