
seeks me
in the garden



that I glimpse
from the side of my eye

Darting through blossoms
resting on leaves
taking advantage of sunshine and breeze

Pointing out a shapely cloud
waiting on my mailbox
inquisitive antenna cocked

Reminding me
as mortality
rages on

is not
the final stop.

Tim Mann, dear friend and fellow traveler,
you are remembered.

2 Replies to “Nearness”

  1. dbubble12 – Hi, I'm Dawn. I have spent most of my life as a jack of all trades; master of none. Which has worked great for me since this translates into being a fast learning, divergent thinking mom and wife. Photography, travel, family and journaling as I go is the essence of great moments in life as I know it. I blog about all these moments and everything in between.
    dbubble12 says:

    This is so beautiful! I am enjoying your photos and poetry. What a great pairing. Thank you for stopping by my blog bubblemomentpages and liking my photos. I really appreciate it.

  2. kiaman2012/Greg – New York State – Retired firefighter/paramedic. A.A. in Biology. B.S. in Education. Post Graduate. U.S. Army veteran. Photographer. Vietnam War. "It is fatal to enter any war without the will to win it!" General Douglas MacArthur I primarily photograph flowers, as I love the color, fragrance and beauty. To those who view my blog…Thank you! All of my pictures are © Copyrighted
    kiaman2012 says:

    Beautiful poetry!

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