
The seamstress for the fairies
tailors fashions out of fuchsia
leaves with scalloped edges


Before the first flake falls
the dried wild  flower
shares a flurry of beauty.


Like the grain in wood
the grain of decay in the fern frond
tells the exquisite story of its life.

Our Two Chairs

Let us take our willow seats
and savor a few more garden moments with the geraniums
before the the frost comes and sends us all inside.


September’s astonishing blue sky is for you.
Delicate lichen blossoms on stone are for you.
All of nature’s beauty awaits you.


Geranium makes the garden’s coral
a blossom so shimmery, fresh and delicate
it might have come from the ocean floor.


oh to be a bud in the cluster
a part of a tribe
together in the center of life’s circle.


There is no room for worry
amidst all the color and beauty.
Come and stay awhile.


As the workers toil in the carpet of sage
they hum and buzz their dictum
“from each according to their abilities, to each according to their needs”


A spiral staircase from the forest floor
like an Escher leading everywhere and nowhere
all at once.

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