16 Replies to “The Painted Fern”

  1. Kritika – Impressive about me is my eagerness to try everything. Self Motivation is a fixed gear of my creativity vehicle provoking me to dance to the tune of optimism. Yoga and books are the two transducers of this victim which have helped to be straightforward and open minded. Improvement is the second gear which is under construction and will always be undergoing changes simultaneously achieving different goals. There are other supporting gears with less of speed more of energy.
    Kritika says:


  2. Ebb Then Flood – Ebb Then Flood is a place to throw out to the wider world some images, thoughts and ideas that would otherwise be unseen, or my "unsung songs" as it says on the tin. Symbols, shapes and signifiers. Miracles in the mundane; magic in the things dragged by the tides of existence. Life on life's terms, lived day by day. Original content except where credited. I'd love to hear from any readers if you want to comment or toss ideas around. Follow me on WordPress or by email if you want to keep up with new posts. Lastly, thank you for dropping in! Peace, Andy L. The copyright ,2018-24, in my original writing and images,is asserted. All rights reserved. But please feel free to share credited links!
    Ebb Then Flood says:

    Stunning image!

  3. Carlette Kyla – South Africa – I am a simple person with a creative mind. Not only do I show enthusiasm in writing but i have found joy and comfort in it. Take a seat as I take you into the artwork of Kyla Carlette Khoza .....
    carlette kyla says:

    very nice

    please follow me on[ kylacarlette.wordpress.com ] thank you
    sequere sis me [ kylacarlette.wordpress.com]…gratias tibi
    por favor sigueme en [kylacarlette.wordpress.com] gracias

  4. Gail – Indiana – Life is full of fascinating moments. Being a good listener can help you see the world through the eyes of others. It not only enriches your understanding, but provides a deeper level of connection. I find that one sentence can tell an intriguing story.
    Gail’s Snapshotsincursive says:

    My two favorite colors: Amethyst and Peridot. 💜🍃

  5. fotosbykarin – Hi, my name is Karin Ravasio. Photography is my passion, i love to create gifts and cloth designs. I like fashion, wellness and beauty. I"m blogging about motivation, inspiration and success . Enjoy my work and have a wonderful day, Karin
    fotosbykarin says:

    Oh, this is perfect, love the color!

  6. Barbara Rodgers – Welcome to my personal blog. I love family history, living by the sea, walking in the woods, nature photography, and collecting words and pictures. www.ingebrita.net
    Barbara Rodgers says:

    Exquisite! Love the colors and words…

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