How We Save Each Other

grace surrounded us
as hawk and humans surrendered fear
courage was found and help accepted

DETAILS: We managed to cut the barbed wire fence,
and softly secured the hawk who was picked up by the Fish and Game Warden
and taken to a bird rescue where he/she had surgery and will be rehabilitated

32 Replies to “How We Save Each Other”

    1. Yes, and revering also. Those pictures.might feel like icons for persons who attend here. And maybe could be for others, so I’m sharing them too.

  1. maureenc – south east Queensland – Supposedly retired ,I fit my fabric and fibre fanaticism in with sharing my life with , family and friends and a few other activities My star sign is Cancer;I love being near the ocean and live on the shores of Moreton Bay in SEQ;I enjoy listening to music of many genre,but prefer instrumental to vocal; Reading....I always have a couple of books and magazines on the "go" simultaneously;
    maureenc says:

    Thank you for caring!

  2. Oh my goodness how stressful for bird and humans, – and a triumph for kindness. Thank you for more than your images and poems, – a life!

  3. pastpeter – Sometime Senior Scientist, sometime Senior Pastor, now senior citizen, happily retired and living once again on Long Island, New York – the place people always want to leave but always come back to. Our retirement years have taken Marian and me to mid-coast Maine (A Maine Winter), to the New Hampshire Lakes region (A New Hampshire Journal), and then back to Long Island, where we had spent the 17 “best years of our lives” (Past Pastoring). We loved the north country, but are so glad to be “Home” (Long Islanders).
    pastpeter says:

    A brave and good rescue!

  4. clcouch123 – I prefer Christopher in conversation. In writing, I use C L Couch because it’s a genderless form of my name and, frankly, easier—I have severe writer’s cramp. I mean to be a poet writing occasional and spiritual verse. The photographs used permanently here—for the banner, for my profile—were taken by Debra Danielson, a photographer and friend. You may enjoy more of her work at If you would credit me when quoting my work, I'd be thankful. As I am thankful for your presence here.
    clcouch123 says:

    Outstanding. Thank you, all.

  5. Jazz Jaeschke – Jazz Jaeschke found poetry at mid-life, retired, and got a whole lot happier. Jazz spends many solo hours with her journal and poetry. Her memoir, in poetry, was published in 2002 (titled: Significance). A sequel is incubating. Photography, labyrinths, SoulCollage(R), Nature, and travel arouse her muse and poems spill forth. She facilitates an Internet poetry circle for Story Circle Network. Jazz lives in Austin, Texas, with two cats, one exuberant Labrador, and her just-right man.
    Jazz Jaeschke says:

    My thanks to everyone involved in the rescue … and to the hawk for letting them! This is a beautiful example of rising above preconceptions of “the other” … a mutually beneficial shift.

  6. rugby843 – Wyoming – I am twelve years a widow and live by myself in a small apartment. I use a wheelchair to get around, but I wouldn't consider myself disabled. I'm nine years away from having bladder cancer resulting in a urostomy and I'm doing well. I just had my yearly checkup and am in good health. This cancer was a result of having radiation in 1995 because of uterine cancer. So have faith in yourself, a cancer diagnosis is not a death sentence. My first try at blogging was an attempt to help other people with my condition. I am a mother of three married children, and a grandmother to eight gorgeous kids, featuring them often here, and a great grandmother too. I enjoy exploring my feelings and like to try the challenges. I like humor, music, movies, games, and some sports. I absolutely appreciate your reading and commenting on my blog. I am happy to read all of your blogs and learn more about you. Please comment however you like, ask whatever, and I'll answer honestly. Thanks for reading! Cheryl
    rugby843 says:

    I’m happy to see that. Thanks for sharing the photos.

  7. Polly – Nothing extraordinary. Mother, lover of the sea, writer, reader, human etc. My blog 'rocksandbones' features my poems and photography, and explores the work of others. Hello.
    Polly says:

    How lucky you found her and thank you for helping another creature like this.

  8. Gail – Indiana – Life is full of fascinating moments. Being a good listener can help you see the world through the eyes of others. It not only enriches your understanding, but provides a deeper level of connection. I find that one sentence can tell an intriguing story.
    Gail’s Snapshotsincursive says:

    What an opportunity to offer help to our feathered friend. Blessings. 🙏🏻

    1. Albert, thank you for sharing this – and all your kind and thoughtful words. Very Best, Catherine

  9. judybarton – Still in love, complicated, almost stupid, interested to recognize herself. "Up to the age of eighteen years old everybody writes poems; after, only two categories of people may continue to do it: poets and idiots." (Benedetto Croce). Obviously I do not consider myself a poet.
    judybarton says:

    It was lucky to meet you! Well done.

  10. Pazlo – Armchair Zen Master, father, fisherman, grandfather, poet, brother, naturalist, collector of old things, dog person, human.
    Pazlo says:

    Good work, Bud.


  11. Stephanae – Pittsburgh, PA – 👩🏾‍🦯Abilities Crusader | INTJ | HSP | Collector of Knowledge | Alpaca Fanatic | Dog & Cat Parent “If I stop to kick every barking dog, I am not going to get where I'm going.” ~Jackie Joyner-Kersee Greetings, my name is Steph! As an introvert with high sensitivity and former people-pleasing tendencies, I used to feel uneasy about these traits. However, I now accept them as unique strengths that have shaped my identity. While I continue to grow and evolve, I appreciate my quirks and their positive impact on my life.
    Stephanae says:

    This is heartwarming and these words in particular “courage was found and help accepted” very meaningful.

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