34 Replies to “Paper Whites”

  1. Orchid – Love Art, good food, writing, travel & books. Link to my blog : http://trailmyworld.wordpress.com/ Food loving friends check out this link : http://gourmetsdelight.wordpress.com/
    Orchid says:


  2. bobbiecook – Worcestershire.UK – Just a woman who loves photography and creative processing~I am never happier than when there's a camera in my hands.
    bobbiecook says:

    So pretty! 🙂

  3. Helen DeRamus, Visual Artist – Marietta – I am a fine artist working in oil paint and creating drawings on paper. My primary medium is oil paint on cradled wood using cold wax medium. Work on paper, using India Ink and graphite is a major part of my practice. Drawings lead me to the development of ideas and though the drawings may stand alone, they also lead to larger work in oil. The smaller drawings are often used as an inspiration of larger drawings. My paintings are about all the visual scraps, translucent bits and pieces, and the neuronal fragments found in the layers of memory. Using the landscape as a metaphor, the paintings are excavated from my personal memories. Throughout the United States and Canada, I have paintings, prints, photographs, and works on paper included in corporate, public and private collections including: Jacksonville State University, Ventyx Corporation, Federal Home Loan Bank of Atlanta, Georgia Perimeter College, North Georgia College and State University, The ART Station, the Ben Hill-Fitzgerald County Library, the Women's Center at Kennestone Hospital, the Atlanta Women's Foundation in Atlanta, Georgia, and Livingston College at Rutgers University in New Jersey. I am represented in Atlanta, Georgia by TEW Galleries; in Marietta, Georgia by by Robert Kent Galleries; in Homestead, Alabama by Art Alley; and In Saugatuck, Michigan by ROAN & BLACK contemporary gallery. My studio is located in the Artisan Resource Center in Marietta, Georgia a suburb of Atlanta, Georgia.
    Helen DeRamus says:

    Lovely whites

  4. kimkiminy – Hubby & I live in the mountains an hour east of San Diego at about 4,600 feet. We try to stay as far away from civilization as possible.
    kimkiminy says:

    Beautiful! I can smell them from here.

  5. blondie63 – I love crochet, knitting, photography, dogs, cooking, baking, scrapbooking, music ,blogging and did I mention dogs? I also love to collect movies which is a big hobby of mine!
    Lisa says:

    Wow fantastic paper whites!! Soft and elegant. Hugz Lisa and Bear

  6. firefly1275 – Louisiana – V. Rose enjoys creating mystical characters and worlds, with a touch of the modern day world. When she is not writing or thinking up her next story ideas, she is enjoying South Louisiana sunsets.
    firefly1275 says:


  7. One of my favourite flowers, simply beautiful!

  8. lavendermoongirl – I am inspired by the natural world and walking with my dogs every day. A spiritual person, Reiki Master with a love of crystals, aromatherapy and flower essences. A poet, writer and photographer, writing daily in response to my encounters with nature. An artist, intuitive, mother, daughter, wife and friend. I have a B.A Honours degree in Writing & Publishing and English & Literature, gained when I was a single mum. Past careers include: Art Director in Advertising, Lecturer of English, Communication and Journalism studies and CLAN (City literacy and numeracy) tutor for the Scottish government, Health and Literacy Project Tutor and learning advisor(Scottish NHS, CLAN partner) and WEA (workers education association) Adult literacy tutor. I live with my husband and two dogs in rural Bedfordshire, England. I have a wonderful son and daughter in law, who live and work in North Yorkshire
    lavendermoongirlblog says:

    Very delicate.

  9. AnnetteM – Aberdeen – I love gardening and I love photography so I am never happier when I am photographing plants. I have one blog for my garden in Aberdeen, Scotland and a newer blog where I hope to develop my photography.
    annette2121 says:

    Beautiful photograph.

  10. Paper whites are my fav – with a heavenly scent. Your photos & poetry are peaceful & beautiful. I’m sure I will look at them over and over. I’m glad you enjoyed my post (walking on the moon).

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