22 Replies to “Ode to Seurat”

  1. Janet Holt – Bald Head Island, NC – I am on a journey of discovery. One that involves discovering the world around me and discovering myself. I have found that using a camera is making this process of discovery much more enjoyable. I trust you will enjoy it as well. My passion for all animals knows no bounds, but it is the parrot that has caught my heart! I am now involved in a campaign to help bring parrots in the wild back into their normal existence! The Indonesian Parrot Project is first on my list, and with a little help from our friends we will bring the Abotti Cockatoo back into a full, strong life in their natural habitat.
    janethilton says:

    Thank you! I always enjoy your work, even if I don’t always stop by to let you know!

  2. I like the way you’ve tied in something completely natural to a human process. It reminds me that we reflect what is in nature and vice versa.

  3. Let’s hope the bees are busy with that lovely blossom!

  4. Dr. Denny Wilkins – Dr. Denny Wilkins professes journalism at a small, private university in the Northeast. He has climbed, hiked, kayaked, photographed, skied, and otherwise meandered aimlessly throughout the American West for decades. He has degrees in geology, environmental studies, and communication — and has tried to make use of them as a co-founder of the progressive cultural blog ScholarsandRogues.com. He’s broadly interested in how the world works and why it works that way. He hates writing, although he does like having written well.
    Dr. Denny says:

    Clever. Well done (as usual).

  5. Coral Swan – Cairns, – Dr Coral Swan, Early Literacy Specialist, Teacher, Tutor, Dyslexia Consultant & Barton Certified Dyslexia Screener (and novice photographer) gives teachers and parent strategies to nurture children as competent readers, writers and confident, independent learners. Coral's book, 'Teaching Strategies for Literacy in the Early Years' is available for purchase on her website: www.morethanreading.com
    Coral Swan says:

    Thanks for liking ‘Patterns’. Love your photos – ‘Ode to Seurat’ struck a cord. Your words are always so apt!

  6. wildsherkin – Sherkin Island, Co Cork, Ireland – I like to make things, and I don't always have time and space to do that. Sherkin Island is a tiny island off the south west coast of Cork. It's one of the Carbery One Hundred Isles in Roaring Water Bay, just a ten minute ferry ride from Baltimore in West Cork yet a million miles away from my day job.
    wildsherkin says:


  7. Rene Yoshi – Just a transplanted Okinawan-French Southern girl with a wee bit o' Irish, sharing photography and what I'm learning about spiritual things, including putting off legalism and religious traditions, and embracing God's matchless love, tender mercy, and amazing grace!
    Rene Yoshi says:

    Love your perspective!

  8. M. – Since I was little I liked to visualize and create things. Painting with watercolors is what makes me happy now. That, and spending time gardening and reading. I love long walks, biking, and the beach.
    mehrlich125 says:

    You have such a good eye and to make the connection between the tree and pointillism, bravo!

  9. Writewireless – I am a thinker, educator, and writer, who teaches English, French, design, and career skills. My articles and posts about being human, teaching, careers, parenting, travel, and world affairs have been published in various newsletters, websites, and blogs. I currently teach and inspire young people to write and to explore the world.
    Anne Campagnet-Reed says:

    Love the photo and the poem.

  10. Evie Garone – I am an outspoken woman with independent views of the world. I am spiritual but also realistic. I've successfully raised two men who I've sent off to college and am now following my love of the arts, including painting, drawing and writing. Thus, two blogs, two books I sporadically work on, voracious reading, among other loves keep me busy.
    Evie Garone says:

    Love, love, love!

  11. assisjesus – in fact, if you wanna read about me... visit one of my other pages: http://assisjesus.blogspot.com/ http://assisjesus.fotopages.com/ or enjoy http://zetaoph.wordpress.com/ which I will participate in it too from now on ;-)
    assisjesus says:

    so lovely!

  12. bussokuseki – Massachusetts, USA – Husband, father, runner, Zen student...blogging at about Zen & fatherhood at bussokuseki and about running at Still Running Long.
    bussokuseki says:

    Wonderful shot, and beautiful words to match. Be well~

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