35 Replies to “Wardrobe Change”

  1. Christine – Ohio/USA – I love the simple life and the special moments within it. I enjoy prim/farmhouse crafts, creative writing, and wandering through nature with a camera in my hand.
    c.k. ledford says:

    I love sheep. This post makes me smile. 🙂

  2. Tina Schell – I am passionate about photography, love traveling and exploring new places and faces, and seeing the world from different perspectives. My lens is always on the lookout for something beautiful or interesting.
    Tina Schell says:

    Wonderful capture and haiku. Beautifully done!

  3. Janet Holt – Bald Head Island, NC – I am on a journey of discovery. One that involves discovering the world around me and discovering myself. I have found that using a camera is making this process of discovery much more enjoyable. I trust you will enjoy it as well. My passion for all animals knows no bounds, but it is the parrot that has caught my heart! I am now involved in a campaign to help bring parrots in the wild back into their normal existence! The Indonesian Parrot Project is first on my list, and with a little help from our friends we will bring the Abotti Cockatoo back into a full, strong life in their natural habitat.
    janethilton says:

    Love this!

  4. HomenDunRoamin – Boston, Massachusetts – Teaching Artist & Writer: fiction, poetry & nonfiction. Recently completed work: a hybrid memoir. In progress: a novel set in an unnamed Latin American country on the brink of war. The book examines violent and nonviolent resistance and the choices women are forced to make to survive.
    HomenDunRoamin says:

    Lovely. And, boy, am I ready to take off the winter coat. Socks and shoes too!

  5. Shards Of DuBois – I look at the world through stained glass glasses, seeing every color as needed on this palette I call a journey. Our Almighty Father made our world incredibly beautiful, I will attempt to honor Him in all I do and say, and may He Bless you ALL.
    Shards Of DuBois says:

    I think their may be some serious wardrobe changes in that herd if that brown one is a male….teehehee

  6. flaircreations – Oxford, England – I am an artist, wife and mother of two boys. I create wearable art jewellery in different mediums, as well as art works in mainly ceramics. Originally from the Caribbean I now live and work in Oxford and enjoy practicing art, bringing up my children, working in a primary school and running art classes and projects for children when I have the time. My inspirations are Islamic geometry and its symbolism, Barbara Hepworth, Henry Moore, Frida Kahlo, M.C. Escher and Grayson Perry.
    flaircreations says:

    Thank you so much for your like on my blog. Love the sheep!

  7. blondie63 – I love crochet, knitting, photography, dogs, cooking, baking, scrapbooking, music ,blogging and did I mention dogs? I also love to collect movies which is a big hobby of mine!
    Lisa says:

    Ahhhh what a sweet wonderful pic!!

  8. Nice shot – yes, time to remove the woolies!

  9. typewriterpoet – I enjoy many poetry styles but enjoy short poetry the most and a little bit of microfiction, but the challenge of a long poem has it's enjoyment as well!
    typewriterpoet says:

    darling title and the poetry is so eloquent!

  10. Wendy L. Macdonald – Comox Valley – Living for Jesus, loving Him, and listening for His voice bring me great joy. I'm an inspirational writer who also loves photographing creation and making handbound journals. ~ My faith is not shallow because I've been rescued from the deep. ~ Blessings ~ Wendy ❀ https://wendylmaccreations.etsy.com
    greenlightlady says:

    Beautiful spring picture!

    Blessings ~ Wendy

  11. pishnguyen – I love photography, writing, anime, my family, and my dogs. And I seem to spend a LOT of time chasing my muses around in circles.
    pishnguyen says:

    Wonderful picture and poem. They go together so perfectly, as always!

  12. eteal – Reverend Teal is a minister, chaplain, artist and storyteller. She specializes in the human-animal bond and all its healing aspects.
    eteal says:

    I have so many thoughts and dreams of sheep -My family had sheep and the smell of lanolin still gives me comfort. I now make my peace by knitting. lovely lovely lovely – thank you.

  13. This is lovely. You might say he is the black sheep of the group! Thank you for your great photos. 🙂

  14. LB – I'm a woman who loves spending time on the motorcycle and in, or on, any body of water. I love traveling and reading, baking and cooking, taking way too many pictures, and enjoying my family and friends. Life is an adventure, and I want to remember and express my joy for it! This is a journal for me ... so I'll never forget the good times and to remind me of them on more challenging days.
    LB says:

    Yes! Time for spring and change!

  15. coastingnz – West Coast, New Zealand – Jan and Stephen live on the Punakaiki coastline, north of Greymouth on the West Coast, NZ and run Breakers Boutique Accommodation. They both enjoy the outdoors and are passionate about things to see and do on the West Coast and would like to share their experiences with you.
    coastingnz says:

    Great shot – really like this one. Something about coloured sheep.

  16. Mary Mageau – Queensland, Australia – I am a writer and nature photographer, living in a small rural village in the Samford Valley. Here on Australia’s east coast, surrounded by the Brisbane State Forest Park and four rugged mountains, I enjoy exploring new and creative ways to engage with the natural world that surrounds me. My husband and I often roam around Australia as we visit the outback and cities of interest. Our favourite destinations also include the islands scattered throughout the Pacific Ocean. With my notebook, pen and camera at hand, I’ve enjoyed researching and photographing amazing places and scenery, together with the stunning flowers and foliage found in these unique parts of our world. This blog―Nature as Art and Inspiration―has developed through my love of writing and travel.
    Mary Mageau says:

    Spring has Sprung!

  17. Sharifah – I am a writer and former journalist exploring the many facets of life. The title of my blog mirrors my philosophy. I celebrate all the concentric circles that form my identity: Malay, South East Asian, a global citizen. I believe that there are more similarities among people that can help us understand each other.
    Sharifah says:

    Wonderful pic – love the mood and the textures.

  18. pevaeva – Welcome to my blog. This is a record of paintings that I started on September 6, 2009. Gouache is my favourite medium due to its quick drying time. Please feel free to leave a comment. Thanks for visiting!
    pevaeva says:


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